Kategoriak: All - muscles - arteries - supply

arabera beshoy Mikhail 6 years ago


Arteries of Neck

The neck's arterial system is divided into lateral and anterior cervical regions. The lateral region features the occipital artery, a branch of the external carotid artery, supplying the posterior scalp.

Arteries of Neck

Arteries of Neck


common carotid artery
external carotid artery

Facial artery

ascending palatine artery and a tonsillar artery, submental artery

Supple: submandibular gland

Lingual artery

deep lingual and sublingual arteries.

Supply: posterior tongue

Superior thyroid artery

superior laryngeal artery

Supply larynx

Supply Thyroid gland, infrahyoid muscles and SCM

Posterior auricular artery

ascends posteriorly between the external acoustic meatus and mastoid process to supply the adjacent muscles; parotid gland; facial nerve; and structures in the temporal bone, auricle, and scalp.

Ascending pharyngeal artery

Supply: pharynx, prevertebral muscles, middle ear, and cranial meninges

Supply structures external to cranium

internal carotid artery

Supply brain and structures in the orbits

*Bifurcates at Thyroid cartilage


Occipital Artery
Supply: posterior half of the scalp
*branch of the external carotid artery
subclavian artery
*contact with the 1st rib as it passes posterior to the anterior scalene muscle
Supply: Upper limb
thyrocervical trunk

terminal branches are the ascending cervical and inferior thyroid artery

cervicodorsal trunk (transverse cervical artery)

dorsal scapular artery (deep branch of transverse cervical artery)

anastomoses around the scapula

Supply: levator scapulae and rhomboid

pass through the trunks of the brachial plexus, supplying branches to their vasa nervorum (blood vessels of nerves)

superficial cervical artery (superficial branch of transverse cervical artery)

passes deep (anterior) to the trapezius accompanying the spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)

suprascapular artery

supply muscles on the posterior aspect of the scapula.