Categorías: Todo - belonging - challenges - identity - language

por Pharell Longenbach hace 3 años


"Why is it so hard to balance a desire to be an individual with a desire to "fit in"?"

The struggle to balance individuality with the desire to fit in is a complex issue that many people face daily. Langston Hughes' poem "Mother to Son" addresses life's hardships and the importance of perseverance, while Oprah'

"Why is it so hard to balance a desire to be an individual with a desire to "fit in"?"

langston Hughes - mother to son

The poem was a story of a mother talking to her son about how troubling life can be. but then she talks how no matter how changeling life is you can't stop trying to get the best of it.

“Psychology Today: We all want to fit in”

fashion magazines, gossip shows, etc all contribute to the belief that people are trying to fit in most of the time.
I think this because the article explains the connection between people and people around them, and how both can be affected. For example let's say that you're in the subway and you see someone who looks “popular”, that article elaborates on the belief that you will act more like the popular person that you see than yourself.

I believe that its so hard to pick either to be accepted or to be yourself because teens everyday lives.

Theme for English B

"My parents didn't care that I wasn't on the football team, and my parents didn't care that I was awkward and geeky. I was in a group of kids at school who translated books into the Klingon language. And my parents were like, ‘Awesome!' They took me to the Star Trek convention!"
This was someone who "supposively" didn't fit in. For him it seems like there wasn't hard to pick to either be their self or to fit in. he chose to be himself. And I believe that because he's being himself he's enjoying himself. He doesn't have to worry about his every move, wondering if hell be "cool"
"There are so many terms we use every day whose meanings are gauzy, if not downright imprecise—which makes it hard to get your head around what's really going on in your life."
The article described Oprahs "life lessons" one of her life lessons was "fitting in is not belonging" The quote above was from that life lesson. There was a clear connection between the quote and the EQ the EQ is speaking about the difficulty of choice. And the quote spoke about what's going on in peoples heads. The quote described specifically the "terms" that are in use everyday either said internally or said out in public. I believe those terms were the terms that are in the EQ, that's "desire" and the phrase "fit in"

in the quote it used the word "gauzy" Oprah used the word to establish an understanding that there are so many terms that are used in our everyday life, but mean so little. the exact definition of gauzy is "resembling gauze; thin and translucent". the phrase "fit in" and "gauzy" are connected. the phrase "fit in" is a gauzy term.