Categorías: Todo - rehabilitation - flexibility - strength - recovery

por Aisyah Rozhdi hace 3 años


Tree organigram

Rehabilitation in exercise science involves a structured approach to help athletes regain full functionality after an injury, focusing on restoring muscle strength, endurance, power, and flexibility.

Tree organigram


1.1 Principles of Rehabilitation

Use of available Facility

use gymnasium, pool, biofeedback devices available as part of exercise during the program

Begin as soon as possible

R - rest I - ice C - compression E - elevation

start directly after get the injury

Provide exercise prescription

have a limit in exercise and activity

applying the principles of progression

provide the correct exercise techniques


set short term goals(simple things) and long term goals(complex things)

explain clearly about the program and the program estimate time


customize the rehabilitation program depends on the athletes individual needs

different of well being and physiologial adaptation

every athlete is different


detraining effect

benefit of training will be lost because of stop the training in period


repeat the exercise and increase amount of load

refer to load


different type of exercise, load, frequency and rest period

Tedium means Boredom


add the resistant in time to time

from simple to complex

increase the degree of training


specific at certain part of body

1.0 Definition of Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation influence physical psychology and environment needs
helps athletes recover the injury that cannot be alter by medical care
well planned rehabilitation program can prevent many disabling conditions
all the exercise have to take note about the athlete inability
compulsory to understand the nature of injury that will affect during healing process
compulsory to be carry out only by doctor or qualified therapists
Purpose of
Aims to be back with full function during restore muscle strength, endurance, power and improve the flexibility.
enable the athlete return back to their sport with full function
process to regain full function of body after following injury and involves restoring strength, flexibility, power and endurance