Categorías: Todo - planets - past - solar - verbs

por Castro Man Segundo hace 3 años


Topics 2º periodo

In English grammar, countable nouns refer to items that can be counted and therefore have plural forms, such as "sandwich" and "apple." On the other hand, uncountable nouns cannot be counted and do not have plural forms, encompassing abstract substances, materials, and qualities like "

Topics 2º periodo

Topics 2º periodo

Internal Organs

How Much, How Many Quantifiers

Many = Muchas / Muchos a Few = Pocas / Pocos A lot / a lot of = Muchas / Muchos

How many friends do you have? 2 friends, A few How many eggs did she buy? She bought a lot How many people will come? A few people, 15 people

How many – Cuantos / cuantas = PLURAL
Much = Mucha / Mucho a Little = Poca / Poco A lot / A lot of = Mucha / Mucho o un monton

How much milk do I have to buy? a little milk, 3 bottle of milk How much pasta do you use for dinner? I use a little pasta How much food do you have? I have much

How much – Cuanto/Cuanta = SINGULAR

The planets

El sistema solar es el sistema planetario que liga gravitacionalmente a un conjunto de objetos astronómicos que giran directa o indirectamente en una órbita alrededor de una única estrella conocida con el nombre de Sol. La estrella concentra el 99,86 % de la masa del sistema solar, y la mayor parte de la masa restante se concentra en ocho planetas cuyas órbitas son prácticamente circulares y transitan dentro de un disco casi llano llamado plano eclíptico.

Past simple

We use the past simple to talk about actions that have finished.

Interrogative: Auxiliary + Subj + verb in PRESENT + comple +


Did Manuel hit to Maria ?

VERB TO BE= Ser o Estar : In past = Fue o Estuvo








Negative: Subj + Auxiliary – NOT + verb in PRESENT +


AUXILIARY  DID = No meaning

Mariana did not do the homework.


Irregular verbs.

She wept in the room.

They rode a motorcycle.

We drove the blue car yesterday.

Affirmative: Subj + verb in PAST + comple.

Maria loved cats

Carry Carried PLAY PLAYED

STOP Stopped Worked

Contables and Uncontables

The countable nouns are those that can be counted and have plural. Uncountable, or uncountable, nouns are those that cannot be counted and therefore do not have a plural. In this group we generally include all abstract substances, materials and qualities.


Juice, Meat, Milk


Sandwich, Hot Dog, Apple
