Categorías: Todo - society - risks - prejudice - justice

por Hyunji Jung hace 5 años


To kill a mockingbird

In Harper Lee's classic novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," the characters demonstrate both physical and emotional courage, significantly impacting the society around them. Boo Radley exhibits physical bravery by saving Jem and Scout from an attack by Bob Ewell, thereby protecting the future of the Maycomb community.

To kill a mockingbird

In Harper Lee's To kill a mockingbird, physical, and moral courage shapes character, and it is shown throughout their actions to others to create better society.

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Physical courage

Boo Radely saved Jem Finch from being attacked by Bob Ewell. Bob Ewell was holding a knife, and tried to kill Jem and Scout.
Boo Radley's physical courage saved Jem and Scout, and made society better. It it hard to stand up for other kids; however, Boo Radely walked out of his house in order to stop Bob Ewell from killing Jem and Scout. This is related to creating better society in terms of Jem and Scout are nice kids, and They are future of the Maycomb socitety.


Scout ran into mens in night in order to save her father, who was try to protect Tom Robinson. Scout made Mr. Cunningham to feel Atticus.
chapter 15, pg.205 "Don't you remember me, Mr. Cunningham? I''m Jean Louise Finch You brought us some hickory nuts one time, remember?"

Scout must be scared to get into men, but she worked up to save her father. Her courage saved not only her father, but also other men who came to hurt Tom Robinson.

This is also way of creating better society, because she saved her father doing a job to make the world better, and she got rid of chance to murder somebody too.

Moral courage

Atticus says Heck Tate that his son killed Bob Ewell, Jem must be in charge, and have to let others in towns know.
Chapter 30, pg. 366 "but I don't want my boy starting out with something like this over his head. Best way to clear the air is to have it all out in the open.

Even though it is hard to say about his son's guilty, he tries to open that Jem did kill Bob Ewell. This is related to moral courage in terms of that he made a decision that he think is right thing to do, and not being afraid of consequence.

Atticus was trying to make world better. Atticus did not want to hide Jem's guilty, but he wanted to open it, because hiding fact is not good for Jem and Maycomb society.

Emotional courage

Atticus stood up for Mrs.Dubose against his children. He noticed that Mrs. Dubose said Nigger lover to their children and himself, but Atticus sticked to Mrs. Dubose by agreeing Jem and Scout to go to Mrs. Dubose's house and read book everyday.
Chapter 11, pg. 149 "I told you that if you hadn't lost your head I'd have made you go read to her.

Atticus shows how he think about reading book to Mrs. Dubose everyday, and he needs courage to say this to his son.

Atticus defeded Tom Robinson even though he knew what kind of risks he has to face. However, Atticus decided to defend Tom Robinson, and he acted out what he believe is right.
Atticus and his children had to hear nigger lover from others in the town everyday. Atticus didn't give up and he defended Tom Robinson.