Categorías: Todo - biology - bacteria - oceans - geology

por Nguyen Denton hace 4 años


Precambrian Era

The Precambrian Era, which began 4.6 billion years ago and lasted for about 4 billion years, accounts for approximately 87% of Earth's history and 80% of its geologic record. During this time, significant geological and biological developments occurred.

Precambrian Era

Precambrian Era

Facts about the Precambrian Era

- The same rocks that were in the Precambrian period can be found today.

Major Geological Events

Water vapor from the atmosphere formed oceans.
May have created life with mineral-rich under-water volcanoes
Magma cooled down and formed crust cooled down, forming a solid crust.

Canadian Shield

There are rocks that date back about 4 billion years ago, and these rocks can still be found today.
Rain, ice, wind, and running water eroded much of the surface of the shield, though a lot of it is still there
Biggest landmass on Earth that was from the Precambrian Era
A landmass that has dated back to 4.2 billion years ago.

What happened in the Precambrian Era?

Oceans were created from the water vapour in the atmosphere.
Planet cooled down from the original molten state
Created a crust around the Earth
The Precambrian time was the earliest time period of the history of Earth.


Living things

Eukaryotic cells

Lead to the creation of plant and animal cells

Lived in water




Lived on land




Blue green algae

Bacteria began using photosynthesis in order to gain energy


Chytrid fungus. A bacteria that kills frogs.

When it Began?

It lastest for about 4 billion years, making up 87% of Earth's history
4.6 billion years ago