Categorías: Todo - trauma - guilt - determination - irony

por Rachel Rose hace 5 años



Duncan struggles with deep feelings of guilt and responsibility after failing to save a drowning girl, an event that haunts him through recurring dreams and vivid memories. This guilt drives him to take on the task of protecting other girls from a stalker named Roach, even though his actions sometimes blur the lines between protector and stalker, causing him further internal conflict.


Quotes from the book

" I can't stop seeing her, those eyes watching me even after her face is gone. I can't do this! Can't do this anymore! There's no way I'm going to find him."Page 108 -Jerahmeel This quote relates to them because he can't get the drowning girl out of his head and feels guilty. He feels as if the girl dying is his own fault so to atone for that he needs to catch Roach.

"It's not that easy, man", he says. "I can't just sit on this and wait till bodies start turning up." "Give me some time." "Might not be any time left." page 163 This talks about Vinny explaining to Duncan that he shouldn't be trying to find the killer, but because Duncan feels guilty and like he has to find the killer he doesn't listen to Vinny and follows his gut. - Matthew.

“There’s only me. So I kick towards her, my arms flying in a frantic crawl. The water seems to stretch like before, only now it’s not getting deeper but wider, dragging her farther away from me like some freak riptide.” Page 10. This scene includes him and some girl that was drowning in the middle of an ocean. The author used deep words like frantic and freak to show how horrific it would have been. He felt guilty that it was all Duncans fault when there was nothing else he could do. -Rachel


Worry - Savannah

Dunken's dad is worrying about how he treats his mother in events


Duncan feels guilty for the girls drowning and keeps seeing her. Her keeps seeing her in dreams or at the bottom of pools.

How the setting relates to guilt in the story.

Duncan can easily feel guilt at work because if someone looses something, that can easily be put on Duncan. He is the type of person that would feel guilty when it is not even his problem.

I can connect to when Duncan feels guilty about trying to save people because when I did cheer, there would be times that when your flyer was in the air and they would come falling down. It was my teams job to make sure they didn't fall, and when they fell, there would be times that I felt guilty because of it. -Rachel


Duncan feels guilty for the girls who drowned and blames himself. So to atone for that he looks for roach and trys to save the girls.
Duncan is trying the catch Roach which is stalking the girls. It's ironic because Duncan ends up stalking the girls himself even though it's for the safety of the girls. Duncan realizes he doing this and questions himself and feels guilty.

"Sorry." -Rachel

Duncan is very regretful because he has dreams and thoughts about the day he failed to save the drowning girl.

Oblegated because he feels like it is his job to find the killer-Matthew

Determination -Matthew

Duncan is determind to find the killer because if something happens than Ducan will think that it is his fault.

The temptation to do good. -Rachel
