Categorías: Todo - racism - immigration - strikes

por LUCIA TIRABOSCHI hace 3 años


Change of Society

During the early 20th century, the United States was marked by significant social changes and heightened tensions. A notable aspect was the presence of the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacy group that perpetuated violence against African Americans, aiming to intimidate and suppress their rights.

Change of Society

Change of Society

The white governments were afraid of the power of the African Americans

they put a lot of laws in favor of their freedom
since before they could neither vote, or have access to good jobs, or education

The Ku Klux Klan

This was a white supremacy movement that used violence to intimidate African Americans

The first African Americans to come to the USA were used as slaves

“The Red Scare”

reaction of immigrants after several arrests and deportations of immigrant
Others posted and distributed pamphlets calling for an overthrow of the government
They had radical political opinions by the federal government, and the fear of Bolshevism or Communism increased
In 1919 400,000 american worker went on strike, even the police
The growth of communism was another reason for these strikes

The majority of Americans at that time were immigrants from Russia or Europe.

when they got there they were mixed with the locals and their culture to the point of becoming an American.
This was called a "melting pot"

In the 1920s, USA

This was a time when some Americans faced liberation
Others faced intolerance and racism
Racism grew during the 1920s, and people's fear grew, which also sparked "The Red Scare"