Categorías: Todo - education - norms - values - media

por Olivia Maratea hace 5 años



Socialization is a multifaceted process through which individuals learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms necessary to participate in society. This process begins at home, with family playing a crucial role in primary socialization by imparting language, cultural capital, and foundational beliefs.




puts frightening themes like, love, fear, death, isolation, and abandonment in a way kids can deal with their fears
allows kids to see the adult world in a simplistic view they will understand
heros serve as aroles models for young children
makes them ask "who do i want to be?" rather than "do i want to be good?
the socialization lessons contained in fairytales are indirect
help children master the problems of growing up


lower income family watches more TV then their high income counterparts
influences attitudes towards politics

Class Socialization

explains why more middle and upper class children go to college (expected to attend)
teaches the norms, values, traits and behaviors you develop based on the social class you're in

Gender Socialization

learning the psychological and social traits associated with a person's sex

Race Socialization

this is where racial discrimination gets put into a child's mind, based on what the parent is teaching them
The process through which children learn the behaviours, values and attitudes associated with racial groups

Anticipatory Socialization

the social process where people learn to take on the values and standards of groups that they plan to join


remakes you into the new you
controlled enviroment

Total Institutions

cut off from the world


cultural capital
the non-financial aspects that are needed for success in the real world
most important agent of socialization

social prescriptions

behaviors that were expected of people in social groups

Secondary Socialization

Hidden Cirriculum
exposure to peers
an education in norms, values, and beliefs that are passed along through schooling

school is also a learning place for being exposed to a variety of different kind of people

first introduction to bureaucracies and a system of rules
the process through which children become socializzed outside the home, within society at large.
often starts with school

Primary Socialization

first experiences with language, values, beliefs, behaviors, and norms of your society