Categorías: Todo - conclusion - thesis - essay - body

por Kerei Yuen hace 2 años


5-Paragraph Essay (Colored Coded Based on SUTW)

An essay typically follows a structured format to present ideas clearly and logically. It begins with an introduction that captures the reader’s attention and provides necessary background information, culminating in a thesis statement that outlines the essay'

5-Paragraph Essay
(Colored Coded Based on SUTW)

5-Paragraph Essay (Colored Coded Based on SUTW)

Conclusion Start by rephrasing the thesis in a new way.

Summarize or wrap up the main points in the body of the essay.
End with a broad statement or question.

Third Body Paragraph

Second Body Paragraph

First Body Paragraph

Fact #3

Transition Sentence

Fact #2
Fact #1
Detail 3
Detail 2
Detail 1

Introduction Start with a hook

Provide background.