von Evelyn León Macías Vor 3 Jahren
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Región inferior o laríngea
Lleva el aire hacia la laringe y los alimentos hacia el esófago por medio de la deglución.
Venas faríngeas que desembocan en la yugular externa.
Arteria faríngea inferior.
Con el esófago.
Base del cráneo
Se encuentra la glándula adenoides en los niños.
Columna cervical.
Parte posterior de la lengua.
Cavidad oral.
Fosas nasales.
3 capas
Media, fibrosa o aponeurosis
Membrana que protege a los músculos.
Externa o muscular
Músculos constrictores ( superior, medio, inferior).
Mucosa o interna
Región laríngea es gruesa.
Región bucal es pálida y fina.
Región nasal es roja y gruesa.
Límite inferior es el borde inferior del cartílago Cricoides.
Límite superior es el borde superior de la epiglotis.
Mide 2 cm de longitud.
Región media o bucal
Se comunica
Lateral se encuentran las amígdalas palatinas
A 2,5 cm por detrás y hacia fuera esta la arteria carótida interna.
Irrigado por la arteria tonsilar.
Cara externa posee una capsula fibrosa.
2 masas de tejido linfoide.
Hacia abajo con la porción laringea de la faringe.
Hacia adelante con la boca (itsmos de las fauces).
Hacia arriba con la nasofaringe.
Va desde el velo del paladar hasta el borde superior de la epiglotis.
Mide 4 cm de longitud.
Región superior o nasal
Comunicado con el oído medio por la Trompa de Eustaquio para regular las presiones en dicha área.
2 orificios nasales posteriores llamados coanas.
En relación con la base del cráneo.
Mide 5 cm de longitud.
Give some examples of royal figures who won their fame in the Medieval Ages.
Think of kings, queens, princes, and princesses.
For example, Eduard IV, also known as the 'Black Prince', became famous for his bravery acts in the war against France.
Who was the Italian artist who painted Mona Lisa?
He became world famous for also being a prolific scientist, inventor, engineer, mathematician, and writer.
Type in the answer.
What scientist claimed that the Earth revolved around the Sun?
He was also put on trial by the Catholic Church for publishing a book with this theory. Type in the answer.
Who was the English writer who became famous for his plays and sonnets about love, fantasy, betrayal, politics, government, and ancient Rome?
What major event took place in 481 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
Around what year did the Roman Empire fall, thus leaving a lot of local kings and rulers fighting for the land?
Type in the answer.
What major event took place in 1337 A.D.?
Think of the well-known rivalry between England and France.
Type in the answer.
Marco Polo explores Asia
What is the year of this great event?
Fill in the answer.
Tabique nasal.
Cartílago del tabique.
Cavidad nasal propiamente dicha.
Huesos malares (meatos corrientes).
Región de la boca.
Región de los ojos y bulbo olfatorio.
What major event took place in 1215 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
Genghis Khan establishes the Mongol Empire.
Type in the year of this major event.
Comunicación con nasofaringe.
Sangrado nasal.
Irrigación por gran cantidad de vasos sanguíneos el área de kiesselbach.
Atravesada por los nervios olfatorios.
What major event took place in 1189 A.D.?
Fill in the answer.
The Crusades were wars fought by the Holy Roman Empire against the Muslims in an attempt to conquer the Holy Land.
What was the year of the First Crusade? Type in the answer.
Maxilar superior.
What major event took place in 1066 A.D.?
Type in your answer.
Pelos cortos y gruesos
Mucosa respiratoria rosada
Rica en vasos sanguíneos para calentamiento del aire.
Mucosa olfatoria amarilla
Rica en terminaciones nerviosas para captar olores llevan al bulbo olfatorio y posteror al cerebro.
Moco secretado.
What is the year in which the Vikings were defeated by the King of England, Alfred the Great?
Type in the answer.
What major event took place in 835 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
Charlemagne, also known as 'The King of Franks', is crowned Holy Roman Emperor.
What year did this coronation take place?
What major event took place in 732 A.D.?
Type in the answer.
In what year is Muhammad born?
Type in the answer.