Kategorien: Alle - diplomacy - refugees - slavery - health



The League fo Nations

An international organization focused on fostering global cooperation and addressing various humanitarian and socio-economic issues was established, incorporating multiple specialized bodies to tackle specific challenges.

The League fo Nations

Tried to persuade member countries to adopt its suggestions

Collested statistics and information about working coniditions

Other Americans opposed the League because they were anti-British or anti-French

Americans believed in freedom so they were against the idea of colonies and empires

So the usa shouldn't join to safeguarde the colonial possesions of Britain and France

Thought the Legue would be leaded by Britain and France

The League fo Nations

How did the League work for a better world?

Social Problems
In places they could do nothing

They kept record of what was going on there and provided infomation on problems

Such as drug trafficking, prostitution and slavery

It Blacklited 4 German, Dutvh, French and Swiss companies which were involved in the illegal drug trade
Made recommendations on marking shipping lanes and proudes and international highway code for road users
The Health Comittee, worked to defeat leprosy

And started a global campain to exterminate mosquitoes

Which reduced the cases of Malaria and Yellow Fever in after decadates

Working Conditions

Campaignedfor employer working conditions

Reduced their hour work for an 48 hoursweek and 8 hours-day

Was succesful in banning poisonus white lead from paint and limiting the hours that children were allowed to work

In the first few years after the war they took back to their homes 400,000 refugees
The League did a big work in getting refugees and prisioner of war back to ther homelands

The League and border diputes

Bulgaria, 1925
In October 1925, Greeks troops invaded Bulgaria after an incident on the border were Greeks soldiers were killed

Bulgaria askede for the help of the League and it condemned the Greek action and had to pay compensatios to Bulgaria and to pull out

The Greeks obeyed

The Geneva Protocol
Britain and France made up that said that if two members were in disputes they would have to ask to resolve the disagreement and they would have to accpet he Council decision

Before Britain could sign this one, there were general election in Britain

The new goverment didnt wanted to sign the protocol

Because Britain would be forced to accept things that werent on its own interests

This would strenghten the League

In fact weakened it

Corfu, 1923
someone had murdered Tellini and his team in the Greek side of the frontirier area

The Italian lader Mussolini blamed the Greek goverment for the murder

On the 29 August he demanded that Greek must pay compensations to Italy and execute their murderers

But the Greeks didnt knew who the murderer was

So in 31 of August Mussolini occupied the island of Corfu in Greece

Greece appealed for the help of the League

This events were similar the ones of 1914 that consequented in the First World War so the league was allready in session

They condemned Mussolini's action and suggested Greece to pay compensation (Money given by the League)

Mussolini made the League change its possition and said that Greece should paid directly to Italy

On 27 September Mussolini leaved Corfu

Aaland Islands, 1921
Both Sweden and Finland wanted the control of this ones because they were midway between this 2 countries

They were threatening each other to fight

So they appealed to the League, this one said that islands should go to Finland

Sweden accepted this decision

Upper Silesia, 1921
Was an industrial region between Germany and Poland

It was inhabited by Polish and Germans

Both wanted the control fo it because of its reach in iron and steel industry

The League in 1920 organized a plebscite to made silesiand vote in wich country tehy would like to live

Industrial areas voted for Germany

so they dvided the lands and safeguarded borders and railways to avoid future disputes

Rural areas voted for Poland

Vilna, 1920
Poland and Lithuania were new states

That the capital of Lithuania was Vilna but its population was largerly Polish

So in 1920 a Polish private army took conttol of it

Lithuania ask for the help of the League were it was its "test case"

The League protested to Poland but Poland do nothing

They could send troops of France and Britain

But France saw Poland as a possible ally against Germany in the future and Britain would not fight alone

So the League do nothing and Polish kept Vilna

the treaties at the Paris Peace Conference had created some new states and achanged the borders of others
The League had so much to do that was helped with the Conference of Amabassadors that it was not an agencie of the Legue but it was made by memeber of the League

The structure of the League

The League of Nations Commissions
The Health Committee

Attempted to deal with the problem of dangerous disases and to educate sanitation and health

The Slavery Commission

Abolish slavery all around the world

The Refugees Committee

Helped return refugees to their original homes

The Mandates Commission

The FWW led many colonies of Germany and her allies in the hand of the League

So this comission made sure that Britain and France acted in the interests of the people of that territory and not on its owns

The International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Its aim was to imporve the working conditions of people troughout the world
It brought together employer, goverments and workers representatives once a year
The Permanent Court of International Justice
This Court was not common because it had no way to make sure the countries were following its rullings
Gave legal advise to the Council and the Assembly
If it was asked the Court would give decision on a border dispute between 2 countries
Was made up of judges from the member countries
Its job was the one of settling diputes between countries peacefully
The Assembly
Votes had to be unonimos and agreed by all the members
Met once a year
Could reommend action and could vote on

Other ideas that were put foward by the Council

The budget of the League

Appointing temporary members

admitting new memeber to the League

Every memeber send a representative
Was the League's parliament
The Council
Main idea

if it was any dispute with another memeber they would take the discuciion to the Council and would resolve the disappointed before it went out of hand

If thid didn't work the Council could

Military Force

The armies of the members were sent to make this country stop

Economic and Financial sanctons

Member couls stop trading with this country

Moral Condemation

They decided which country was the agressor and concerned this one action and told this to stop


Temporary members

Were elected by the Assembly, in periods of 3 years

Permanent members

Each of this one had a veto

That they could stop the council acting even if all the other memebers agreed

In the 1920 were Britain, France, Italy and Japan

Small group that met five time year and in cases of emergencies
The Secretariat
Kept record of the League meetings and prepared reports for the different agencies of the League
was a sort of civil service

Memebership of the League

With the absence fo the USA, Britain and France were the most powerful nations in the League
These 2 countries had other priorities

France main concern was still Germany

So it was prepared to leave the League if it was necessary to strenghten its position against Germany

Was worried that the League was too weak to protect France from Germany

France wouldn't imagine Britain helping this one

British politicians were more interested in rebuildind British trade

And looking after their Empire than been an international police force

Many British politicians said that if they knew the decission of the USA they wouldn't join the League

Felt that sanction of trade and other thing would be solved and applied with resources and influence of the USA

Both had been weakened by the War
Both were poorly placed to take on this role

neither of them

Had the resources to fill the gap of the USA

Had the power it once had

The Aims of the League (Convenant)

To improve the living and working conditions of people all around the world
To encourage countries to disarm
To encouraje countries to co-operate, especially in trade and business
To discourage agressions from any nations

Why the USA never joined the League?

Wilson's Democratic Party run the USA for 8 years, so its opponents saw the League as an opportunity to defeat him
Wilson toured the USA to put his arguments in all the population, but in 1919 he was defeated by the Congress decision

Democrats sid if the USA didnt join the League another war might follow

In the 1920 elections Wilson couldn't run for president (He was too ill) but a sucessor did it

The Republican campaigned for America be isolated from the European affairs

The Republicans won and the Usa never joined the League

Some people were worried about their families, friends, etc in another war
Because the League would send troops to settle in every little confflict all around the world
Other were woried abou the economic cost of joining
Business leaders said that the USA had become a powerful country by staying ou fo European affairs
The USA would promise to solve all international problems regardless of the cost
The League was linked to the Treaty of Versailles, also Wilson insisted that all siganatories of this one should join the League
There were millions of German inmigrants who had never approved the USA joining against Germany
Yet Some Americans hated the Treaty

They didn't want the USA to join the League because it contained all the reparations out of Germany

The birth of the League

When the First World War finished
Everyone wanted to avoid repeating another

Also they agreed in creating League of Nations to avoid wars. There were conflicts on how they could organize it


Proposed a legue with a strong army

Many British

Thought about a League that met only en emergencies

President Wilson (USA)

He won

Most european people were prepared to give Wilso´s paln a try

They hoped that any country would want that countries such as the USA stop tradind with it

Some people were angered with Wilson´s arrogant style

Because he acted as he was the only one who knew the solution for european problems

Major natinos would join this one

If any member break the Convenant and go to war

Other members promised to stop trading with it or send troops if necessary to make it stop fighting

Promised to protect one another if they were inavaded

Promised to accept any decission made by the League

If they had a dispute with another memeber they would take it ot the League

Wanted the Legue to be like a world parliament were representatives of all natios

could meet together to discuss probems that involved lll of them