Kategorien: Alle - benefits - vitamins - ingredients - language

von Leonardo Romo Jimenez Vor 3 Jahren


The best salads of the world

The best salads of the world

The best salads of the world

Examples of salads

Green Salad
Chicken Salad
Cesar´s Salad

Carlos Leonardo Romo Jiménez and Carlos Eduardo Elizarrarás


We need to use impresional expressions
Our language is going to be in a casual and formal way


Tell about the salads of the world and present our own salad
Our salads are the best because we get the ingridients with local farmers and our package is the one taht the cutomers bring to us, and then we prepare the sald in that package the customer bring


How many salads have been created around the world?
Which are the ingridients that create the best salad?

It depends in the taste of the people

How can we classified them?

We can classified them with the proteins, calories, and carbohydrates that they would have

Which is the best?

The most common salad are the Cesar´s and the chiken salad but it dosent matter you can dicide waht ever you want

We are the best?

Wich vitamisn have the ingridients

All the ingridients have the best vitamins that all the vegetables can have like the D vitamin that helps you to the Sun and the C to helps yopu to the inmune system


The benefits are to your own digistive organisim and to the heart to prevent an a heart attack

Recommendations of salads

The besta salads are the ones that have natural ingridients and with any quimical