Kategorien: Alle - virtual - application - future - interaction

von Sven Petrović Vor 4 Jahren


Razumijevanje tehnologije virtualne stvarnosti: napredak i primjena

Virtual reality technology has seen significant advancements and is being applied in various fields such as business, entertainment, and everyday life. This technology offers new ways to work, play, and interact, though it also raises concerns about reduced communication with the outside world.

Razumijevanje tehnologije virtualne stvarnosti: napredak i primjena

Razumijevanje tehnologije virtualne stvarnosti: napredak i primjena

Type in the name of the book you have read.

Main Events

Type the main events of the book, classifying them in: events from the beginning, events from the middle, and events from the end of the book.

Describe the story visually. Add a representative picture for each of them.


Type the main events from the end.

Add a representative picture for each of them.

Središnji dio
Usporedba: dobre i loše strane virtualne stvarnosti
Interakcija i komunikacija ljudi
Interakcija ljudi s novom tehnologijom

Type the main events from the middle.

Add a representative picture for each of them.

Napredak i primjena tehnologije
Uvod u tehnologije virutalne stvarnosti

Type the main events from the beginning.

Add a representative picture for each of them.


In contrast to the main idea, the theme is the message, lesson or moral of the book.

Some tips to find out the theme of the book easier:

Tema ovog projekta fokusirati će se na razumijevanju i evoluciji virutalne tehnologije koja potencijalno može zamijeniti život kakav danas imamo. Usporediti loše i dobre strane te usporediti današnju interakciju ljudi s budućom.


Chris Milk
“This doesn’t replace television or cinema. Nothing goes away. People said radio was the end to literature and TV was the end of radio. But we still read books and listen to the radio and watch TV.”
Palmer Luckey
“VR is a way to escape the real world into something more fantastic. It has the potential to be the most social technology of all time.”
Mark Zuckerberg

Take notes while you read the book. Write here your favorite quotes from the book.

“The incredible thing about the technology is that you feel like you’re actually present in another place with other people. People who try it say it’s different from anything they’ve ever experienced in their lives.”


Take notes while you read the book. Type here the resources, books, or websites that the author mentioned and you want to check out later.

Google znalac

Main idea

Uvidjeti dobre ili loše strane ovakve tehnologije te hoće li čovjek htjeti implementirati ovakav način života u skoroj budućnosti ili ne.

The main idea is what the book is mostly about.

Some tips to find out the main idea of a book easier:


Type the names of the book characters. Start with the main character.

Draw arrows to represent the relationship between them and if it is possible write on them what they represent for each other (if they are relatives, friends, lovers, enemies etc.)

Tedx talk - testiranje virtualne realnosti
Aktivnosti koje virtualna realnost nudi
Testiranje virutalne realnosti u periodu od tjedan dana
Predviđanja i očekivanja virtualne stvarnosti
Manjak komunikacije i interakcije s vanjskim svijetom?
Olakšane životne aktivnosti
Novi način pristupu rada na poslu
Novi način zabave

What are the characteristics that best describe the character? Type them here.


What is the reason why the author wrote the book?

Ispitati ima li napretka za tehnologiju poput virtualne stvarnosti
Što sve ovakva tehnologija može ponuditi u skoroj budućnosti?
Istražiti primjenu virtualne stvarnosti
Svijet zabave
Poslovni svijet
Istraživati aktivnosti vezane za virtualnu stvarnost
Verbalna aktivnost
Fizička aktivnost


Who is the author of the book? Type in his/her name.

Sven Petrović