Kategorien: Alle - qualifications - career - volunteer - university

von Katy Levesque Vor 5 Jahren



Exploring the path to becoming a doctor can involve leveraging personal networks and seeking guidance from various professional contacts. Speaking with family friends who work in the medical field can provide insights into the educational requirements and daily responsibilities.


Katy Personal Networking

One of my close friends is currently going to pursue something I can ask her what she did not expect about when she applied to the program

Neighbor works a nurse I could ask her what her likes and dislikes of the career are

Main topic

After I find out what I need to start off the process of being a doctor. I could see what different universities qualifications there are

I could talk to one of my doctors and ask what a typical day in the job looks like

I can look for volunteer opportunities like being working in the gift shop at the hospital

I could talk to the career counselor at school and talk to him about what courses in high school I need to take to take steps to be a doctor

Mrs Walter she helps set up job shadows at school I could ask her about options for medical field opportunities that I would be able to shadow

I could ask someone I previously worked for as reference for university

My aunt is a Doctor I could ask her about what steps she took towards her career


I have a few family friends outside of school who work at the hospital and can see what type of schooling they had to do to get there.

My Aunt is self employed and could possibly work for her sometimes.