Kategorien: Alle - references - confidence - originality

von Ciara Charoo Vor 2 Jahren


HR Selection Process- Reasons For Rejection

The HR selection process for job applicants encompasses several critical stages, each with potential reasons for rejection. Initially, resumes are scrutinized for overqualification, incorrect information, or insufficient credentials.

HR Selection Process- Reasons For Rejection

HR Selection Process- Reasons For Rejection


Went perfectly like all the other applicants.,
might've lied on the application and it showed during testing.
Didn't take directions properly,
went smoothly, but might not be the right fit.

Personal Interview

Everything went well.
you sounded too rehearsed and didn't have any originality in your answers.
You didn't seem confident and were too quiet which caused you to not make small talk or be unconfident to work with others.
You didn't ask any questions during the interview which might show that you are not interested.

Application Review

You didn't fill out the application correctly.
You might be too many things on your resume that can make you overqualified for the job.
You may not have enough credentials that qualify you for the job.

Reference Checks

They were all done perfectly
Your references didn't check out

Analysis, Comparison, and Final decision

looked at all parts the decision and there was one small component that stood out to the rest of the applicants.
compared all applicants and you were close but there was a better option.