Kategorien: Alle - current - charges - series - electricity

von ade adams Vor 4 Jahren



Electricity is an essential form of energy derived from the movement of tiny particles within atoms. Atoms, composed of smaller particles with positive and negative charges, usually remain neutral when these charges balance out.



Static Electricity

The greeks discovered static electricity by 600 BC.
Static electricity is a build up of electric charge in a object.
it is caused by the presence of many particles of the same charge.
Static elecricity is an exess of electrical charges trapped on the surface of the object.


For a circuit to work,all its part must be connected.
All circuits have 3 main components:
A power source such as a battery or a generater.
wires that carry the current through the circuit
A device such as a bulb or motor

electrical charges

if an object has more positive charges than negetive, than its charge is positive.

Current Electricity

Current electricity is the steady flow of electrons between objects or places
Current electricity is the kind of electricity that powers appliances in your home.

Series and Parrellel Circuits

Parrellel circuit
In a parellel circuit,electricity has more than one way to go
Series circuit
In a series circuit, electricity only has one way to go.


Each atom is made up of a number of even smaller particles.
form of energy that is created by the movements of the tiny particles that make up atoms.
everything is made of atoms.
In an atom, the negetive and positive charges cancel each other out, so the whole atom is neutral.