Kategorien: Alle - aprobación - modalidad - solicitud - normas

von Jesus Hernandez Diaz Vor 3 Jahren


Contrato de trabajo sujetos a modalidad

Los contratos de trabajo sujetos a modalidad, como los temporales y los accidentales, deben cumplir ciertos requisitos para su validez, como constar por escrito y presentarse en triplicado.

Contrato de trabajo sujetos a modalidad

Contrato de trabajo sujetos a modalidad

Think of a name for your business.

Otros contratos sujetos a modalidad

The licenses and permits you need for your business will vary by industry, state, location, and other factors.

Cualquier otra clase de servicio sujeto a modalidad no contemplado específicamente en el presente Titulo podrá contratarse, siempre con su objeto sea de naturaleza temporal y por su duración adecuada al servicio que debe prestarse

Your business purpose is the reason you have formed your company boiled down to a single sentence.

Los contratos de trabajo temporales que se ejecutan en las zonas francas, así como cualquier otro régimen especial, se regula por sus propias normas.

You'll need to get a federal license or permit if your business activities are regulated by a federal agency.

Requirements and fees depend on your business activity and the agency issuing the license or permit. It's best to check with the issuing agency for details on the business license cost.

Los contratos de trabajo del régimen de exportación de productos no tradicionales a que se refiere el derecho de Ley 22342 se regulan por sus propias normas, sin embargo, le son aplicables a las normas establecidas en esa Ley sobre aprobación de los contratos

The licenses and permits you need from the state, county, or city will depend on your business activities and business location.

Derechos y beneficios

Like any element of running a business, there are multiple growth strategies that you can try.

Los trabajadores contratados conforme al presente Título tienen derecho a, percibir los mismo beneficios que por ley, pacto o costumbre tuvieran los trabajadores vinculados a un contrato de duración indeterminado, del respectivo centro de trabajo y a la estabilidad laboral durante el tiempo que dure el contrato, una vez superado el periodo de prueba

Ask your customers and potential customers for permission to communicate with them.

Ask for their consent to contact them with further information about your business.

Use opt-in forms. They usually pertain to email communication.

Desnaturalización de los contratos

Consider an exit strategy in case your business does not work.

In this way, you can make a substantial profit or at least to limit losses.

Se considerará como de duración indeterminada cuando:
Si el titular del puesto sustituido, no se reincorpora vencido el término legal o convencional y el trabajador contratado continuare laborando

Type in its price.

Si se comprobara que la labor desempañada por el trabajador no corresponde a la modalidad bajo la cual fue contratado

Type in some ideas to grow your business.

You have some examples here:

Collaborate with more established brands in your industryPartner with a charity organizationVolunteerAttend networking eventsHost eventsGet to know your customersOffer great customer serviceMeasure what works and refine your approach as you go
Cuando se trata de un contrato para obra determinada o de servicio específico, si el trabajador continua prestando servicios efectivos, luego de concluida la obra materia del contrato, sin haberse operado renovación

Si el trabajador continua laborando después de la fecha de vencimiento del plazo estipulado, o después de las prórrogas pactadas, si estas exceden del límite máximo permitido

Type in the names of your products.

Normas comunes

Before you can register your company, you need to decide what kind of entity it is.

Learn about the various legal business structures that are available.

It is up to you to determine which type of entity is best for your current needs and future business goals.

El periodo de prueba se rige de acuerdo a lo establecido en el artículo 46 y solo es aplicable en la primera contratación del trabajador

The Employer Identification Number is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification.

Apply for an Employer Identification Number.

La aprobación se efectuará automáticamente a la sola presentación de la solicitud, que contendrá una declaración jurada, indicando el sentido del trabajo que va realizar o ejecutar el trabajador contratado tiene naturaleza accidental o temporal. La solicitud deberá presentarse para su aprobación dentro de los ocho días de celebrado el contrato..

You’ll use your employer identification number (EIN) for essential steps to start and grow your business, like opening a bank account and paying taxes.

Some states require you to get a tax ID as well.

Podrán celebrarse contratos por periodos menores pero que sumados no excedan los dichos límites.

What kind of business structure are you interested in?

Type in or choose from the list below.

Sole ProprietorshipPartnershipLimited Liability Company (LLC)Corporation

Requisitos para la validez de los contratos

Your business location is an important decision. The choices you make could affect your taxes, legal requirements, and revenue.

Where you locate your business depends in part on the location of your target market, business partners, and your personal preferences. In addition, you should consider the costs, benefits, and restrictions of different government agencies.

La aprobación se efectuará automáticamente a la sola presentación de la solicitud, que contendrá una declaración jurada, indicando el sentido del trabajo que va realizar o ejecutar el trabajador contratado tiene naturaleza accidental o temporal. La solicitud deberá presentarse para su aprobación dentro de los ocho días de celebrado el contrato

As a business owner, it’s important to understand your federal, state, and local tax requirements.

This will help you file your taxes accurately and make payments on time.

Deberán constar por escrito y por el triplicado, así como las demás condiciones de la relación laboral

If you buy, rent, build, or plan to work out of the physical property for your business, make sure it conforms to local zoning requirements.

Neighborhoods are generally zoned for either commercial or residential use. Zoning ordinances can restrict or entirely ban specific kinds of businesses from operating in an area.


There are four types of plans:

Contrato de obra o servicio

Starting any business has a price, so you need to determine how you're going to cover those costs.

The choices you make could affect your taxes, legal requirements, and revenue.

El contrato de temporada

To calculate the average purchase price of your shares you have to divide the total amount invested by the total number of shares bought.

Type in the average price.

Celebrado entre un empresario y un trabajador con el objeto de atender las necesidades propias del giro de la empresa o establecimiento, que se cumplen solo en determinadas épocas del año.

The break-even point is the level of production at which the costs of production equal the revenues for a product.

Use this formula to calculate the break-even point.

Fixed Costs / (Average Price – Variable Costs) = Break-Even Point

Deberá contener

Variable costs are costs that change as the quantity of the good or service that a business produces changes. Variable costs are the sum of marginal costs over all units produced.

Type in the variable costs.

Some examples are:

sales commissionsdirect labor costscost of raw materials used in productionutility costs

La naturaleza de las labores del trabajador

What is the corporate tax?

La naturaleza de la actividad de la empresa, establecimiento o explotación

What is the sales tax?

Comunicación al trabajador diez(10) días antes de la finalización de la temporada, si está dura, más de tres(3) meses

Consider the tax landscape for the state, county, and city. Income tax, sales tax, property tax, and corporate taxes can vary significantly from place to place.

Duración de la temporada

What is the income tax?

El contrato intermitente

Find out how much money you need to start a business with a break-even analysis.

It will help you determine when your business will become profitable.

Celebrados entre un empleador y un trabajador, para cubrir las necesidades de las actividades de la empresa que por su naturaleza son permanentes pero discontinuas

Fixed expenses or costs are those that do not fluctuate with changes in production level or sales volume.

They include such expenses as rent, insurance, dues and subscriptions, equipment leases, payments on loans, depreciation, management salaries, and advertising.

Type in the fixed costs.

El contrato específico

Son aquellos celebrados entre un empleador y un trabajador, con objeto previamente establecido y de duración determinada . Su duración será la que resulte necesaria

Choose from these ones or add other ways of funding.

Self-fundingFriends and familyBusiness grantBusiness competitionAngel investorsVenture capitalCrowdfundingBusiness loanStart up loanBusiness credit cardBusiness overdrafts
Contratos de naturaleza accidental

Forecasts are your projections for the next years.

Contrato de emergencia

Show the major areas where the investors’ funds will be spent. These could include:

for Marketingfor R&Dfor Salesfor Purchasing inventory

Celebra entre un empleador y un trabajador, para cubrir las necesidades promovidas por caso fortuito o fuerza mayor. Su duración coincidirá con la duración de la empresa no pudiendo exceder de un año

Type in region-specific business expenses.

Contrato suplencia

Type in some forecasts.

For example, If you are a product company, break down your forecast by target market segments or into major product categories.

If you are forecasting sales for a restaurant, break down your forecast into these groups: lunch, dinner, and drinks.

Celebrado entre un empleador y su trabajador, a fin de sustituir a un trabajador estable de la empresa, cuyo vínculo laboral se encuentre suspendido por alguna causa justificada. Su duración será la que resulte necesaria según las circunstancias.

If you are raising money from investors, you should include a brief section of your business plan that details exactly how you plan on using your investors’ cash.

Contrato ocasional

For example, If you are a product company, break down your forecast by target market segments or into major product categories.

If you are forecasting sales for a restaurant, break down your forecast into these groups: lunch, dinner, and drinks.

Celebrado entre un trabajador para atender necesidades transitorias distintas a la actividad habitual del centro de trabajo, Su duración máxima es de seis meses al año

contrato de naturaleza temporal

Every business has some form of competition.

Contrato de reconversión empresarial

This shows the expenses related to making your product or delivering your service.

It should not include regular business expenses such as rent, insurance, salaries, etc.

Es celebrado en virtud a la sustitución, ampliación o modificación de las actividades desarrolladas en la empresa. Su duración máxima es de dos años

Type in some forecasts.

Contrato por necesidades del mercado

Schedule the next critical steps for your business.

Show investors that you understand what needs to happen to make your plans a reality and that you are working on a realistic schedule.

Es aquel que se celebra entre un empleador y un trabajador con el objeto de atender incrementos coyunturales de la producción originarios por variaciones sustanciales de la demanda en el mercado, su duración máxima es de seis meses

Type in milestones (planned major goals).

For example, if you are producing a consumer product, you may have the following milestones:

Contrato por inicio o lanzamiento de una nueva actividad

Por inicio de una actividad es aquel celebrado entre un empleador empleador y un trabajador originarios por el inicio de una nueva actividad empresarial. Su duración máxima es de tres años

Type in the name of your competitor.

Market research

Conduct market research. Gather information about potential customers and businesses already operating in your area. Use that information to find a competitive advantage for your business.

Target market segments

The target market refers to consumers with similar characteristics (age, location, income, lifestyle etc.) and are considered most likely to buy a business's market offerings or are likely to be the most profitable segments for the business to service.


SOM: Your Share Of the Market (the subset of your SAM that you will realistically reach-particularly in the first few years of your business)

Type in SOM.


SAM: Your Segmented Addressable Market or Served Available Market (the portion of TAM you will target)

Type in SAM.


TAM: Your Total Available or Addressable Market (everyone you wish to reach with your product)

Type in TAM.


Some examples of popular industries are:

Choose from the list below or type in an industry you want to analyze.

The Business Services IndustryThe Food and Restaurant IndustryThe General Retail IndustryThe Technology IndustryThe Health, Beauty and Fitness IndustryThe In-Home Care IndustryThe In-Home Cleaning and Maintenance IndustryThe Sports and Recreation IndustryThe Travel and Lodging IndustryThe Automotive Repair Industry


Highlight the disadvantages of investing in this industry.


Type in disadvantage.


Highlight the advantages of investing in this industry.


Type in advantage.

Business idea

Nowadays, many people are considering starting their own business.

Come up with a brilliant idea, that nobody tried before.

Type in a business idea.

Ámbito de Aplicación

What is your motivation?

Podrán celebrarse cuando así lo exija la naturaleza temporal o accidental del servicio que se va a prestar o de la cobra que se ha de ejecutar, excepto los contratos de trabajo intermitente o de la temporada que por su naturaleza puedan ser permanentes

Type in the reasons for starting a business.