Kategorien: Alle - treaty - reservation - protest - water

von Laura Zottl Vor 5 Jahren


assignment 10

Plans for constructing pipelines in North Dakota began in December 2014, sparking significant opposition from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and environmental activists. By 2016, peaceful protests emerged against the pipeline route, which threatened vital water resources and sacred tribal sites.

assignment 10

Assignment 10


Dec. 2014 was when the plans for pipelines began
2016 was when peaceful protesting began


A protest against the route of North Dakota pipelines which go through the lake near Standing Rock land.


The pipelines are threatening the health of water resources and sacred tribal sites. Violates Article II of the Fort Laramie Treaty, which guarantees the"undisturbed use and occupation" of reservation lands surrounding the proposed location of the pipeline.


Runs, horseback rides, and marches will take place.
In 2016 Oceti Sakowin Youth & Allies organized a traditional relay run from Standing Rock Reservation to Washington, D.C. They arrived in the capital with a petition


North Dakota
pipelines would affect the Standing Rock Sioux reservation and the lake water around it


A large community of Indigenous peoples, the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and environmental activists