Kategorien: Alle - diversity - pride - history - symbols

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The Day of Pink is dedicated to celebrating diversity and promoting inclusivity within society. It encompasses the recognition of various gender identities, including cisgender, agender, transgender, and bigender, each with its unique characteristics and symbols.



Day of Pink

The whole meaning of day of pink is to celebrate diverisity and recognize inclusivity.


Each symbol has unique characteristics and can inform others about their gender.
There are 72 known genders, which means there are 72 symbols.
Pride month origin in Canada
Harvey Milk
First 2SLGBTQIA+ member to be in the San Fransisco board of supervisors.

Harvey Milk started a protest for people who are openly gay to have the same rights as cisgender people.

First person in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to stand up for 2SLGBTQIA+ rights.

The day after Harvey Milk's death, people gathered with candles and a huge 2SLGBTQIA+ flag. this resulted in the creation of the 2SLGBTQIA+ rights in San Fransisco.


Symbols & Genders
There are over 72 genders with unique characteristic. Each gender has different meanings and symbols.
The celebration of pride month first took place on 1978 in Vancouver, Canada and has been celebrated in Canada ever since

Main topic


Agender: When an individual has no gender, they are referred to as gender neutral.
When an individual is biologically born as man/women They transition to their opposite gender.
When an individual is born they remain the same gender as when they were born.
When an individual has 2 or more genders. This should not be confused as bisexuality.
