People often seek ways to stimulate themselves when they feel bored or stressed, aiming to increase their level of arousal through activities such as swimming across a lake. This ties into the concept of optimum arousal, where individuals strive to maintain a balanced level of stimulation.
You are bored and you're trying to think of something
to get you aroused so you go and swim across the lake.
Key Terms:
When a person is bored or stressed and has the need to increase arousal
Instinct Theory jake tiso
A salmon returning to it's birthplace for the mating season after spending five years in the ocean.
key term:
A complex behavior that is rigidly patterned throughout a species and is unlearned.
Hierarchy Of Motives
Holly Barratt
Key Terms:
Needs accomplished to satisfy human's life.
Satisfying hunger is an example for physiological needs.
The need to feel the world is organized and predictable is an example for safety needs.
The need to be loved is an example for psychological needs.
A pyramid of human needs, beginning with physiological, then higher-level safety needs, then psychological needs.