Kategorier: Alle - autonomy - liberalism - government - capitalism

af caroline dennard 13 år siden


Politics - Principals of Liberal Democracy

Liberal democracy emphasizes the importance of autonomy, where citizens have the freedom to make choices and direct their own lives. Democratically controlled governments ideally ensure that individuals can achieve autonomy through systems like capitalism, which coordinates social activities.

Politics - Principals of Liberal Democracy


Means self-government. The ability to make choicesand decisions about how we live our lives.

Attempting to make judgements

To give agreement orpermission. Allowing thegovernment to do things.


A system based onexchange of property.


Must be given chance to PARTICIPATE andbe REPRESENTED.

People must be given their chanceto speak, as in there must be elections.

Do not agree that tacit consent is enough, unlike Locke.

A set of beliefs whichpromotes the freedomof the individual.


Rule by the people.


Concerned with good and bad, right and wrong.

A judgement concernedwith values.


An account of someoneor something

Politics - Principals of Liberal Democracy


Locke feels there is no need forelections, as people consnt by obeying laws.
We tacit consent by living under thegovernment and obeying laws.
Explicit + Tacit
Very important.

JOHN LOCKE - what would societybe like without government?

The government must rule inthe interests of the people.
The purpose of government isto secure property and freedomof the people.
The problem would be thatsome don't follow rules, and soa power is needed to control.
State of Nature -all free and equal.

In a liberal democracy,autonomy is important.

Democratically controlled government.Autonomy through capitalism.
However this is maintained under a form of social coordination...
Citizens should have choicesand direct own lives.

Political Theory is...

giving reasons why this is better than the other perspective
describing the way the world is


Interested in supporters,and why LD are fair to live in.
What does it mean?How should it work?
However, interested normative ideals which shape liberal democracies.
Way of describing societies... e.g USA, UK