Kategorier: Alle - waves - vectors - motion - sound

af John Rodgers 3 år siden


Physics Course Review

The document reviews key concepts in a physics course, covering various topics such as sound, standing waves, and kinematics. It details how to calculate wavelengths and frequencies for standing waves in strings and air columns, and how to describe the behavior of pulses at fixed and free ends.

Physics Course Review

Physics Course Review



Opposite directions attract!

drawing converntions for a magnetic field

in a solenoid

in a wire

Kirchoff's Laws
Be able to analyze




What is the amperage?

what is the total voltage?


Standing Waves
Given the wavelength of each harmonc and the velocity of the wave, find the frequencies

The first harmonic (fundamental) has a wavength of 2 m. The velocity of the wave on the string is 5 m/s What is the frequency of the wave? What is What is the fequnency of the

Given a string/air column length and the nature of the relfection: Be able to calculate the wavelength of each harmonic
fixed and free end reflection


Be able to predict the result of pulses that meet...

Be able to describe what will happen when a pulse reaches each type of end (fixed or free).

Be able to sketch the types of standing wave for two fixed ends One fixed end one free end two free ends

Be able to use the universal wave equation
v=f Lambda
Understand the temperature-speed relationship

Work and Energy

Work and Conservation of Energy
Be able to use Ef=Ei+W

A Hot wheels has a Eg of 10 J at the top of the ramp. At the bottom of the ramp the Ek is 5 J If the track was 5 m long, what is the force of friction?

Semina is at thet op of a skateboard ramp (40 kg, 6 m). She pushes with a force of 50 N for 3 m. What is her kinetic energy at the bottom of the ramp?

use W=Fd
Conservation of Energy
Identify the types and quantities of energy

How fast is Maizy going when she hits the water?

example: Maizy is diving into Georgian Bay at the Grotto. At the top of the cliff her Eg is 5000 J. What is her kinetic energy when she hots the water?


understand the first law
Explain why Semina falls at the same rate as Mason
third law
Be able to apply the third law to action-reaction pairs

example. Two boxes (20 kg and 30 kag) are pushed. They acclerate at 5 m/s^2[W]. What is the force of the large box on the small box? vice versa

example : Lucas (60 kg) and Elijah (80 kg) are having a disagreement on ice (zero friction). Elijah pushes Lucas with a force of 200 N[E]. What are their accelerations

second law
Do a kinematics problem by finding a using dynamics

Ethan and Sasha are pushing a box blah blah blah What is the velocity when they go 3m?

Calculate acceleration with friction

Example: Ethan and Mason are pushing a box (see above) The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.17 Whast is the acceleration of the box?

Calculate coefficients of friction.

Example. Luke pushes a 100 Kg box with a force of 200 N. The box accelerates at 1.5 m/s^2. What is the coefficient of friction?

solve Fnet=ma

Example: Ethan is pushing on a 30 kg box with a force of 100 N[E] What is the acceleraiton of the box? Mason is also pushing with a force of 50 N [N] What is the accleration with both of them pushing?

Be able to make free body diagrams

make one for the problem you are solving EVERY TIME


Projectile motion
Be able to find the final velocity of an object thrown horizontally from a cliff

example: a ball is thrown vertically with a velocity of 15 m/s from the edge of a 10m cliff . - What is the vertical velocity? - what is the horoizontal velocity? - what is the total final velocity?

Be able to find the distance an object goes before hitting the ground

example: a ball is thrown vertically from the edge of a cliff with a velocty of 15 m/s from a height of 10 m. How far from the base does the object land?

be able to find time of flight or final velcoity for an object dropped from a height

example: a ball is dropped from a 10 m cliff. What is its velocity when it hits the ground

example: a ball is dropped from a height of 10 m, how long does it take to hit the ground

be able to add vectors geometrically
Be able to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector
Be able to add vectors using their components

Example: Mason walks 5 km N[30]E Then he walks 3 km S How far east does he walk? How far North does he walk? What is his final displacement? (direction and magnitude)

be able to break vectors into their components

Example: Semina walks 5 km N[60]E. how far north does she walk? how far east does she walk?

Be able to use GRASP to solve a kinematics question
Choose the proper equation
identify the given and implied quantities