Kategorier: Alle - stereotypes - exploration - race - identity

af Andrew Sweeney 1 år siden



The narrative follows a young girl named Oreo as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Initially, she grapples with her identity, feeling like an outsider within her own race and community.



Home Town/City

They live 20 miles outside of Chicago
She says "Our hometown is only twenty miles outside of Chaigo, but they're completely differnt worlds."

People in her hometown are really accepting and she her as an outsider forcing her to think she dosent belong to any place or group of people esspecially after the sheltering her parents have down in previous years of her life.


Almost a mother figure for her and she cares, cooks, and takes care of her family when the parents are gone.
She dosent love her cousins that much from Missouri
She loved them, she though they were funny and loud but junior one of her cousins called her an Oreo.

Aswell as that when they ere telling eachother ehat misci they listened to he said "That is some white shit" It seems like her life has surrounded by "white peple media".

Her cousins said she is black on the outside and white on the side.

Parents are very sheltering and protective in her life, and care a lot for the kids but don't realize the extreme they are taking
Her sister doesn't know what an HBCU is.
Brother, Sister, Mom, Dad,
Ex. "Sometimes our father says Black like its a bad taste in his mouth".

Realization/Figuring things out

During the short story she has started to become more aware of the so called outside world. She realizes that people of her race view her as an outsider as well as pople in her tow calling her barley black. This makes her self feel like a fraud amoung her race and takes time to figure out who she really is.
In the middle to the end of the book she started to explore and branch out of the caccon her paretns made for her, listening and watching different medias, meeting new and different people from differnt places and communities, and finally breaking sterotrypes on what people say you are becasue of race.

Overall She really figures of who she is and wants to be. She dosent care what people think and say about her and watches and listens to whatever she likes, figuring things out with her family, and realizes she dosent have to fit in with the rest of any group she is catoragized in.

How every main topic influencer her and almost makes her personality

Not sennsitve but almost sheltered from her parents and is kind of innocent , Independent.
aware of people and things around her, always worrieing about things, not sennsitve but almost sheltered from her parents and is kind of innocent , Independent. aware of people and things around her, always worrieing about things, not sennsitve but almost sheltered from her parents and is kind of innocent , Independent.
Aware of people and things around her, always worrying about things,
Very silly, doughtful, and playful

Social life

During her time at school and ousdide of school she is mostly surrounded by white people and she dosent know the so called "impact it has on her" that other people see.
She feels like a fraud among people of her race.

She says that she truly doesn't remember the last time she has been with a group of black peopoe who werent her immadiate family.

"iv'e been to nervous to wear my hair naturaly becuase I was afraid of what evryone at my super-white school would say. They already tease me wnough saying i'm "Not really Black.""