Kategorier: Alle - clauses - subject - verb - noun

af Paula Blanco 5 år siden



The text provides a detailed analysis of different grammatical elements in English sentences, specifically focusing on clauses and their components. It outlines the roles and functions of prepositions, explaining how they govern other constituents within a sentence.



Determines number and person

Noun Phrase Prepositional Phrase Adverb Phrase Finite and Non-finite clause Anticipatory it+ extraposed clause Empty it Existential There+ postposed nominal phrase


Declarative Clauses (before vb) Interrogative Clauses Wh-questions ( Wh- = sb) Pronominal Forms- sub function Form of a possesser element (pron/name)

Element of which somehting is predicated


Function Complimet

Are obligatory, except DO Position is fixed Can become subjects of passive constructions
Presence determined



Cannot be reduced

Head cannot replace the phrase without causing problems to the structure
Verb Phrase


Not attached to the lexical auxiliary


Be and Have

On the first Auxiliary/Modal Verb


Auxiliary + Lexical verb

May contain more than 1 Auxiliary (3-5)

Exclusive features


In person and/or number

Finite Verbs

Morphologically marked





Lexical Verb Last constituent in the structure

Can be reduced

Head can replace the phrase without affecting the structure
Adverbial Phrase

There're adv that don't allow for modifiers

Same functions

Adjectival Phrase

Most behave as noun ones


Post-modifiers - complex

Noun+Adj= idiomatic expression When the head is a pronoun When the adj is followed by a PP When the adj head is followed by an infinite cl When the adj=comparative degree or preceded by as, mor, less, + cl of comparison When the adj is followed by a finite or nonfinite cl

Order determined by semantic class or the property described

Exceptions on omission

1. There's a set of adj that never allow for pre or post-mod --> one word adj phrase 2. Another set of adj do need mod, only require on post-mod

Similar Properties


Noun Phrase

Modifier Function

Can be NP, AdjP, AdvP, PP

Classifying modifier: demotes the referent

Scripted modifier: describes the referent

Can be pre-mod with intensifying words

Can be omitted without affecting the structure

Can be carried out multiple times

In different positions

In a discontinuous way


Pre-modifiers: before head Post-modifiers: after head Discontinuous modifiers

Determiner Function

Fixed word order

Pre-determiners Central determiners Post-determiners


Noun = NP Determinant = beginning of NP Determiner - Modifier - Head

Optional (more obligatory than mod)

First element - Fixed Position

Exclusive NP

Head: noun or pronoun

Main element = Head

States category



Prepositional Phrase

Preposition governs the other constituents
Not visible

When followed by a pronoun


Objective case

Subjective Case

Preosition Ø Head
2 Functions
2º Prepositional Complement Function

Can be detached from the prep

In clauses functioning

Post-modifiers: NP, AdjP Prepositional Compliment

Adjectival Phrases

Noun Phrases

In Wh- clauses

Can be performed

Noun Phrase Wh- clauses -ing clauses Prepositoinal Phrases Adverbial Phrases

1º Preposition Function

Always by a preposition

Governs the function

Pron/Vb/Noun has to be

Direct Object

Final clauses Non-finite clauses Anticipatory IT+extraposed cl PP of time and place

Immediatly after the verb Subject of a passive construction If phrase has 1 object - DO If phrase has 2 object - ID - DO

Indirect Object


Nominal phrase Wh- phrase -ing clauses PP

First of the 2 obj of a phrase Can become the subj of a passive phrase Can be replaced by to- phrase and for- phrase

Demoted Object

Only complement in the Pred of a passive clause Only in passive clauses with ditransitive vbs Realized by NP, PP (but only if vb needs prep)

Subject Complement

Object Complement

Completes the Pred when the lexvb leads to specify characteristics of the DO Placed after DO Number agreement with the obj compounds

Related to the Subj of the cl Obligatory after Copular vbs Cannot be intransitive with the same meaning Number and gender agreement with the subj and reflexive pronoun

Verb Complement

Predicator Compliment

Do not passivize or the do it wih a different meaning 4 types of vb: relational vb, vbs of measure, vbs of equal reciprocity and vbs with obligatory complements of direction

Prepositional Object

Take a preposition whose PC can becomme the subj of a passive phrase. PC-subj and the PObj-end of the phrase

Do not fullfil the criteria of the previous obj

CLAUSES: with + Verbs


2 clauses of the same status and function
Independent dubject
I the subjs are different both must be written
Shared subject
You can eliminate 1 subject of the 2 clauses


One clause is constituent of other clause
Dependent Clauses
Carry out well defined functions Presented: finite, non-finite vb and nonvb cl
Nominal Clauses
Function as subj, DO, IO, SubjC, ObjC
Located in Clausal subjects, gram and logical subjects and clausal objects
-Behave and carry out functions of NP -Realized: Dependent declarative, dependet interrogative and headless relative clauses
Subject of non-finite nominal clauses
4 Structures: infinitive with to, without to, gerunds and participle
Non-finite subordinate clauses
Adjectival Clause
Behave like AdjP: -Noun complement clauses -Adjectival commplement clauses -Relative clauses
Relative Clauses
Can be restrictive (obligatory) and noun restrictive (optional), presented by comas
Nominal modifiers in complex NP Realized by finite and non-finite cl
Adverbial Clauses
Replace AdvP Different semantic roles: time, place,...



- Separate from the clause - Their message refers to the whole clause - Always separeted by comas, before, in the middle or after the clause - Represent a comment from the speaker - Can appear as AdvP, PP, finite and non-finite ph
- Tells how the speaker perceives the semantic connection between 2 cl - Connectors of structures between Ph, Cl, paragraphes or tx
- Flexibility regarding position (commonly end) - Organized in terms of manner (closer to the vb), place and time(end) - Can appears as adverbs (closed and open class), AdvP, NP and adjuncts (scpecial cases)


Will affect the meaning Not necessarry for structure

Epress circunstances

CLAUSES: with 1 Verb



Word Formation

New Words
Derivation: Class 1 affixes: modify base Class 2 affixes: no change - base
Cliping: reduction of a lexeme
Blending: 2 parts of 2 lexemes
Conversion: change of class with Ø
Compounding: lexeme + lexeme

Copulative Compounding

Synthetic Compounding

Root Compounding

Combination of open categories

Affixation: lexeme + morpheme

Prefixation: 1º morpheme

Suffixation: 2º morpheme

Word Classification

Morphemes = Functions
Derivational Morphemes

Follow - semantic rules

Semantic classifiers

Change the semantic class

Create/divide new words from already existing ones

Inflectional/Grammaical Morphemes

Adj- superlatives or comparatives Verb - TAM

Singular, Plural and Possesive forms

Depend on position

Form of means required by context

Lexemes = Content
Minor Lexical Classes

Article Quantifier Demonstrative Possessive Numeral Pronoun Auxiliary Negation Conjunction Interjection

Major Lexical Classes


Circumstances: location, time, instrument and company


Circumances: manner, frecuency, duration,...


Copulatives: link elements Intransitive: no DO Transitive: need DO Ditransitive: need 2 DO


Depend on the Property

Describes Properties


Depends on the word they are describing
