Kategorier: Alle - assessments - bias - bilingual - training

af Catherina Johnson 2 år siden


How best to support diverse learners in the classroom.

Supporting diverse learners in the classroom involves a multifaceted approach that includes accurate assessments, addressing unconscious bias, and promoting culturally responsive teaching.

How best to support
diverse learners in the

How best to support diverse learners in the classroom.

In the Classroom

Instructional Practices
Monitoring even after exiting
monitoring students’ primary language during early school experiences (Jackson, Schatschneider, & Leacox, 2014
What it looks like
Comprehension Strategies
Books in native language


But does translation help with reading comprehension

Helps foster family relationships

Level Questions

Questions posed after Identifying a students English abilities


Word walls

Using big book read alouds

Document Camera, interactive white board

Question not all schools can afford these things or teachers have the training

Modeled Talk

Realia, using objects

Giving Directions

Using props, cards, charts

Full Integration

Communication with Peers


Helps with connections

Role play with non ELL students

Helps with Vocabulary

Use of Technology

Interaction with English and other students


Teacher low expectations of ELL =low performance
only looked at a small group , one community
Cultural Difference and interaction

Unconscious bias

Questions teachers fill out on EL students The questions imply that they are EL students.


Making sure students are tested correctly and put in ELL
Not all states are equal with giving the same guidelines
Some schools given up to 30 days

Teacher Instruction

Classroom Teachers
First one to ID a student who may need help
Schools that focus on diverse learners

Training for general classroom teachers

Teachers work together to help these students

Empower teachers, change lessons plans

Lack training/knowledge

Why don't schools make it mandatory for teachers to have training?

Teacher Certification in ELL
Students do better if they have a teacher who can instruct them with the knowledge necessary
López, Scanlan, and Gundrum (2013) Student did better in states that had stricter certification standards.


Culturally Responsive

Students connect to what they are learning
Motivates students because they see part of themselves included.
Teachers need to have an understanding and respect of cultures.

Before school (Early Years)

Bilingual is a strength
Special needs or delays
Not able to gain adult words

Children from these homes more delays

Economic and social status
Million word gap

After 26 months maybe caught up

Interaction between parents and child