af Charlie Scherp 13 år siden
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You will have a choice of questions. You can either answer a question about the acting, or about the technical/design aspects of the performance.
State the title of the play you have studied and the playwright.
05 Explain what you did.(20 marks) Genre: What is the type of play you are studying? E.g melodrama, ghost story etc. Style: what is the most appropriate style of presentation for the piece? Why did you choose this? Interpretation: What can you find out about the character from what they say and what others say about them? Characterisation: How do you communicate the characters age, status and mannerisms? Voice, what accent, pitch, tone and emphasis will you use? When will you use it? Why? Movement: what kinds of gesture, posture and physical theatre skills will you use to communicate your character? How fast/slow do they move? Facial expression – how is it used to convey key moments in the drama? Relationships with others on stage – when and how can you effectively use eye contact, physical contact and use of space to show what your character thinks and feels about others on stage? What kind of impact do you hope to have on the audience? How will you achieve this?
0 6 Make a judgement about your work. How good or bad was it? (20 marks) What are your own strengths and weaknesses in performing the character? Perhaps you show empathy with the role or have strong performance skills, for example clear gesture or facial expressions . Strengths and weaknesses of other members of the group. Do they know their lines, are their cues well timed, do they communicate with the audience, do they respond well to the performances of other actors? Is the style communicated to the audience? E.g how good are you at using melodramatic gesture or realism? How are pace and pause used to build excitement or emphasise a point? Creation of mood and atmosphere. How do you build up tension? Are their any moments of comic relief that help to change an audience’s mood?