Kategorier: Alle - festivals - nature - weather - adaptation

af Mya Thompson 4 år siden


Edmonton, Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, features a mix of rich natural and human characteristics. The city's physical landscape includes the Lesser Slave River, deciduous and coniferous forests, and the mesmerizing northern lights.

Edmonton, Alberta

Hey Mya, Your assignment is well done. Don't forget that you need to add 3 facts for each category and state why they are interesting. T=12/15, A=11/15

Edmonton, Alberta


Edmonton can be found in the Southwestern region of Canada.
I do not think that this fact is interesting. My thoughts are as such because this is very simple information. There isn't any depth within this sentence.

Southwestern Canada

Edmonton is part of the prairie region of Canada, which means the land is relatively flat. This makes the city more susceptible to tornadoes.
I think this is an interesting fact. My thoughts are as such because I think it's intriguing that a a certain landscape can increase the chance of a natural disaster.



Relative Location: Edmonton is 300km North of Calgary. It is located around the centre of Alberta, along the North Saskatchewan River.
I don't find this fact interesting. My reasoning behind this is that, in general, I don't find the location of places to be compelling.


Absolute Location: 53.5461°N (longitude),113.4938°W (latitude)
I believe this fact to not be interesting. There isn't anything about it that can make it interesting. It is just coordinates, which consist of numbers. Numbers are quite boring, in my opinion.



Exporting Goods: Another form of movement is exporting products, such as food. Annually, Alberta exports beef, wheat, pork, live cattle, and canola seed.
I find this fact interesting. I think this because I previously didn't know that Alberta exported things like live cattle and canola seed.

Canola Seeds

Public Transportation: The two main (most used) forms of public transportation in Edmonton are the Light Rail Transit (LRT) and the bus system. These forms of transportation are both run by the Edmonton Transit System.
I think that this is interesting. I have always had a fascination with trains and subways.

Light Rail Transit (LRT)

Human/Environmental Interaction

Modifying the Environment: People that live in Edmonton modify their environment by having their heaters on for most of the year. Again, this is due to the extreme winters.
Again, I do not think this is an interesting fact because this a very regular thing for people of most residencies to do in the winter.


Adapting to the Environment: In order to adapt to the environment, the inhabitants of Edmonton wear warm clothes to protect them from the cold, long winters; and cooler clothes so they don't overheat in the warm summers.
I do no think this fact is interesting. Wearing warmer clothes in the winter, and cooler clothes in the summer is a regular thing for most people to do.

Winter in Edmonton

Depending on the Environment: The people of Edmonton depend on the environment for their water and food supply. The North Saskatchewan river is Edmonton's sole source for water. As well, Edmonton grows crops such as wheat, barely, and canola.
I think that this fact is interesting. I think this because I expected Edmonton to have more than one water source. I'm not sure why, but finding out they only had one somewhat shocked me.

North Saskatchewan River


Human Characteristics: The human characteristics of Edmonton, Alberta include the West Edmonton Mall, and various cultural festivals. Edmonton hosts several festivals each year. To name a few, there is the Festival of Trees, the Edmonton Rum Festival, and the Edmonton Folk Music Festival.
I believe this fact to be interesting. I've always found different cultures intriguing, so this really sparks by interest.

Edmonton Folk Music Festival

Physical Characteristics: The physical characteristics of Edmonton include Lesser Slave river, deciduous and coniferous forests, and the northern lights.
I think that this fact is interesting. Mainly, I imagine that that is due to the fact that I really enjoy nature and natural things.

Northern Lights