af Eben Muse 13 år siden
Cyfythrebu safanol
The text delves into the concept of structure and how it is formed through the arrangement and combination of paradigms and patterns. It emphasizes that structures are constrained by rules, which govern the organization and transformation of data into meaningful information.
Cod One paradigm links onto another
Un patrwm cysylltiadau i un arall Convert between paradigms
Trosi rhwng patrymau Rules
Rheoli Pattern
Patrwm Rules + Data
Rheolau + Data Simple or complex
Syml neu cymhleth Repetition of data
Ailadroddiad o'r data Syntagm
Syntagm from Greek suntagmatikos, arranged, put in order
o Groeg suntagmatikos, trefnu, rhoi mewn trefn Ordered combination of paradigms
Cyfuniad strwythuredig o batrymau Paradigm
Paradeim Constrained by rules
Cyfyngedig gan reolau Parts of the pattern
Darnau o'r patrwm Elements of the set
Elfennau o'r set Communication basics
Cyfathrebu sylfaenol Structure
Fframwaith Produces pattern
Cynhyrchu patrwm Constrain process
Gorfodi broses Set of rules
Set o reolau Rules
rheolau Create structure
Creu fframwaith Organise movement of data
Trefnu symudiad o ddata Constraints on a process
Cyfyngiadau ar broses Data Perceived among signals
Signal canfydded rhwng signalau Signal perceived in a medium
Signal canfydded mewn cyfrwng Perceived difference
Gwahaniaeth canfyddedig Information
Gwybodaeth Sender & receiver
Anfonwr & derbyniwr Reception of message
Derbynfa o neges Reduces uncertainty
Lleihau ansicrwydd Process