Kategorier: Alle - relationships - conservation - education - coral

af Frank Hyde 2 år siden


Coral Champion Trip

This itinerary outlines a comprehensive travel experience focusing on guest engagement and environmental conservation. Before the trip, there’s an emphasis on understanding guest preferences and building a foundational relationship through tailored educational content.

Coral Champion Trip

Coral Champion Trip

Understanding the importance of Coral to the Oceans Health and our Own.

Corals Relationship to the Ocean
Coastal Shelter

For Villages

For Coastal Forests

For Humans

Darwins Paradox of Coral Reefs

Reefs Create Habitat

Barrier reefs

Sheltered Lagoons

Reefs are Habitat



Village to Ocean Systems


How to Interact with Corals
Ocean to Human Environment
Our Climate
Our Food
Our Air

Post Trip Relationship and Activities

SeaTrek Post Trip Activities
Participate by supporting a SeaTrek conservation Activity

Sponsor a Coral Champion

PUTS Googles

Water Filter

Kids Book

Adopt a Coral

Ambassador development
How to help spread the word of what SeaTrek is doing

Go on the Trip

Last Day
Travel doggy bag with fresh cookies
Wrap up and how to stay in touch
Day 2
Start to segment guests


Traveler type

Day 1
Daily Happy hour wrap up

Briefing for next day


Snorkel Training



Put in touch with how sailing works
Understanding of life afloat on a boat.
Work on Guest to crew relationships
Build guest to guest relationships
Guest Orientation (night before the trip)
Review next day plan
Answer questions/concerns
Meet the Tourleaders

Pretrip Content

Planning for customized part of Guest Travel Experience
Learn the special things we can do for this guest
Pretrip Educational Foundation & Relationship Building
Start Guest along the path to their key Interests
Preferred Learning Style
Preferred socializing style (Via Relationship with TL)
Understanding the Guest
Nature Treking Experience
Experience on a boat
Experience in the water
Key Interests
Travel History