Kategorier: Alle - teamwork - rules - history - experiences

af Kai Gibbons 1 år siden



The writer discusses their long-standing passion for baseball, beginning with personal experiences that sparked their interest in the sport. They recall their first game, inspired by their father, which ignited a lifelong love for playing baseball.




The reason why I choose baseball is because I have played it for a long time and I like to play the game. I will talk about the history rules some famous people that played baseball. My experiences Pitching and last but not least how to field. Firstly, I want to start off with my experiences because that is how I started to like the sport, like when I got to home plat for the first time. Secondly, I will be talking about how baseball became a thing/ sport and some of the rules and fun facts. Also how to field. That will all come in a second.


It was not just one person or a single group it was many people that made it but many people think that it was general Abner Doubleday during the American civil war. But according to (Encyclopedia Britannica) it was a fusion of many different games. The Knickerbocker baseball club of New York was the first group to craft/make their own baseball rules. They made the foul lines that go down first base and 3rd base also the rule of 3 out and made it so that the outfielders cannot throw ball at the runner.
The strike zone is from the knees to the shoulders and over the plate but umps (Umps stand for umpire) can sometimes call a ball even when it is a strike because of the back catcher covers the bottom of the strike zone. Also you can challenge a call so you can replay the clip like if the ump calls a ball a strike you can challenge it.

The first baseball game was between the The Knickerbocker baseball club of New York and a cricket team in 1846.


A new rule that is being put in place is the rule about there will be now more shift (the shift is when the sort stop or second basemen men move to the other side of the second base) they are removing it. The pitch clock is a clock to make sure to limit the amount of time the pitcher can use because games have gotten longer and longer in 2012 the average time for a game was 3 hours imagine playing a game for 3 hours none stop.

Some famous baseball players

Babe Ruth is one of the most famous people because he had pointed where he hit it and or he hit a home run right where he had pointed. Millie Mays was famous for making a catch on the warning track (the warning track is right next to the wall the wall is where home runs are hit). Barry bonds was famous for he hit a 73 home run season in 2001 and at the time yes steroids were there. Arron judge is famous for hitting 62 home runs in 2022 and also making it so that there were almost no hits in his area that he was covering.


These are some reasons why I choose baseball as my favourite sport and also my passion project.


“Baseball - History | Britannica.” Encyclopedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/sports/baseball/History. Accessed 14 February 2023. Bates, Mike. “Picture of the strike zone.” MLB Trade Rumors, 27 January 2016, https://www.mlbdailydish.com/2016/1/27/10847330/strike-zone-perceptions-players-hurt-effects. Accessed 15 February 2023. Dakers, Tom. “Baseball fielder picture.” Bluebird Banter, 7 October 2017, https://www.bluebirdbanter.com/2017/10/7/16441108/poll-time-best-center-fielder-in-blue-jays-history. Accessed 15 February 2023. Doran, Nick. “Strike out Picture.” Redleg Nation, 28 April 2016, https://www.redlegnation.com/2016/04/28/good-hitters-strike-out-more-often-than-bad-hitters-do/. Accessed 15 February 2023. Hagerty, Tim. “First baseball game hosted/First baseball Picture.” Sporting News, 22 February 2015, https://www.sportingnews.com/us/mlb/news/first-night-game-baseball-history-hull-lynn-fort-wayne-grand-rapids-independence-des-moines-wilmington/a8nox2c4xvth19cepmnwom3b4. Accessed 15 February 2023. Sommers, Jack. “New Rules/Pitch Clock Reducing Minor League Game Times by 20 Minutes.” Baseball clock, 21 April 2022, https://www.azsnakepit.com/2022/4/21/23034772/new-rules-pitch-clock-reducing-minor-league-game-times-by-20-minutes. Accessed 15 February 2023. “Who invented baseball? A quick history of America's favorite pastime.” USA Today, 7 February 2023, https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/2023/02/07/who-invented-baseball/8124497001/. Accessed 14 February 2023.

My experience

I have many experiences in baseball like my first game or my first game I watched. But I will start by telling you how I got into baseball so I started it when my dad took me to my first game to watch. I did not get to watch it all but ever since that I have played it a lot because I was inspired.
So then ever since I have started to play I have gotten better. I find that the best part is when you are having fun with your teammates but also if you are winning that boosts your happiness. Now I will talk about the years that I played or in 2017 2018 and 2019. In 2017 and 2018 we had a mercy rule until it's the fourth inning and then you can score as many times as you want. In 2017 we won half our games and lost the other half but in 2018 we won all our games and the championship without a single loss.

But in 2019 I did not do as well we won like 3 quarters of our my games and lose about another quarter. But because of COVID 19 everything shut down and I have not been able to play but I could see baseball games still.


Fielding or out fielding is one of the most important parts of the team because if it goes throw the infield it's your last line of defence and when that happens that is very bad because if the ball stops in between the out field and in field the out field would get it. Also when it happens that the batter hits a home run but it's right next to the wall they can sometimes jump onto the wall to keep it in play or to keep it from being a home run.