Kategorier: Alle - reflection - disruption - collaboration - bias

af Hollie Paxton 3 år siden


Action Research

Participatory engagement in research can risk losing a critical perspective, with researchers at a distance thought to be less biased. Professional knowledge is often seen through different lenses, requiring reframing of what is known.

Action Research

Action Research

Interpretative rigour

It is argued that reasearch with participatory engagement cna lead to the danger of losing critical perspective p 287
researchers at a distance were thought to be less likely to encompass bias p286

Issue of Mess

Engaging with a messy turn is importatant in the grounding of new understandings leading to new knowledge and change in practice --- p295
Step outside of everyday presuppositions
researchers were unhappy with the unfamiliar and were striving to tidy away anything that was disturbing their equilibrium rather than engage with different view points. 283
The ‘messy area’ is formed where participants have deconstructed well rehearsed notions of practice and aspects of old beliefs; are aware of the dawning of the new, but as yet have not made sense of it 281
This is the precursor to the creation of something entirely new (transformational knowledge). - the coming together of almost known etc p282
IDEAS OF OTHERS at this point the 'messy area' is a forum where strands of knowledge and learning are unearthed and critiqued. p281 each strand is a catalyst for new knowing leading to development and change'


The combination of perceiving, knowing, critiquing and learning from multiple perspectives enables participants to articulate notions of theory or practice that they may not have been able to see if their own perceptions had not been critiqued by the ideas of others p282

They don't participate -after 2 times of asking WHY!!!?!?!?
They want to be more handson - be in the workshop - sign of times
The point where students highlight the need for subitles
The point where they choose to not have a quiz and want a video
This is the point where studnets say they are not comfortable asking technicians because of fear of looking stupid - Old belief = we are approachable!
She felt it was important to highlight this convoluted practice and normalize the doubts of wondering if you are doing proper research or not'
They found when they did action research they didn't follow the model of research process and kept branching off into other areas of discovery adding new loops and paths p2

LOOK AT Spiral of activity - Carr and Kemmis - 1984

Rigor through a messy turn

Each new view and theory is a springboard for new reflection p279
collaborative/participatory research captures kaleidoscopic views - p280
Your professional knowledge is seen through other lenses!!! You reframe what you thought you knew. p279
It is vital for seeing, disrupting analysing and learning.
The mess is created when you investigate the known and nearly known
We have the need to 'know' rather than risk engaging with half-understood ideas and theories that have yet to emerge and crystallise - p281