What were the pressures for further change/reform?

Cholera Epidemic

Louis Pasteur

Th 1869 Royal Commission on Public Health

The Reform Act 1867

The 1872 Public Health Act

1871; Local Government Board was set up

A 3rd choler epidemic in 1865-6 in whihc 20,000 people died

1865; conclusively proved that germs caused disease and were not caused byt it

revealed that conditions revealed that conditiosn in towns were little better than when chadwick had been masterminding investigations some 30 years earlier

Consolidated the function of the Local Government Act Office

ensured the whole country was covered authorities

Effectively gave the vote to working men in towns

Ergo polititons had to pay attention to ther problems which included public health

Registras General Office

Medical Department of the Privy Council

Poor Law Board

Their sanitary duties were made compulsory and they each had to appoint a medical officer of health