Public Speaking

The Meaning of Public Speaking

Public Speaking is speak in front of an audiences.

Public Speaking Activites

CO - workers

Giving Presentation to customers or audience

Speaking a conference

Tips to Become a Confident and Interesting Speaker

Engage your audience members

Practice and Review

Think Positively

Cope with Nerves

Pay Attention to your Body Language

Some Dos Speaking in Public For Beginners

Do is give a nice, organized, and concise

You have to take your time beforehand when you're preparing to create a nice introduction, body, and conclusion.

Direct eye contact

Look directly into person's eye long enough to finish.

Simplify you're notes

So that you can just have a conversational style with your audience, and again, as you're practicing, you have to whittle down those notes so that all you have are talking points, like a little grocery list of items that you're going to talk about, and it almost forces you, or at least frees you, to connect with people, to look up, and to have a nice normal conversation with them and your natural personality.

Do instead is have a nice, confident posture and make nice gestures

Do is have a confident voice where you speak loudly

Some don'ts Speaking in Public For Beginners

Don’t ramble and get long-winded

Don’t look with your eyes in the wrong place or make bad eye contact

Don’t clutter your notes

Don’t want to load up your slide or complex slides

Don’t Fidget

Don’t speak too softly & Fillers

Public Speaking: Concepts and Skills for a Diverse Society

Public speaking concepts and skills for a diverse society, 80 equips you with the training and tools to be an effective public speaker and listener in the world of constant cultural, political, and technological changes.

The book combines 2,500-year-old principles with up-to-date research into concepts, skills, theories, applications, and critical thinking proficiencies essential for successful listening and speaking.

Giving you a heightened awareness of and sensitivity to your audience, discussions of classic public speaking topics are grounded in an awareness of the impact of cultural nuances ranging from gender differences to cultures within the United States to the traditions of other nations.

Introduction To Public Speaking

The Tradition of Public Speaking

Given the importance of public speaking, it's not surprising that it has been taught and studied around the globe for thousands of years. Almost all cultures have an equivalent of the English word "orator" to designate someone with special skills in public speaking. The oldest known handbook on effective speech was written on papyrus in Egypt some 4500 years ago. In classical Greece and Rome, public speaking played a central role in education and civic life.

Analyzing The Audience

Good speakers are audience-centered. To be an effective speaker, you should know something about the psychology of audiences. The first stage in learning about your audience is to undertake a demographic audience analysis.The second stage in learning about your audience is to conduct a situational audience analysis.

Developing Confidence

Most people tend to be anxious before doing something important in public. Actors are nervous before a play, politicians are nervous before a campaign speech, and athletes are nervous before a big game.

Speech Communication Process

Regardless of the kind of speech communication involved, there are
seven elements speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback,
interference, and situation. Here we shall focus on how these
elements interact when a public speaker addresses an audience.