Trigonometric Mind Mapping - Mind Map

Trigonometric Mind Mapping

Area Formulas for any Triangles

To find the are of a triangle you would have to
use Heron's formula by first finding S and then
using the 2nd part of Heron's formula to find all
the sides

These formulas are used with an SAS triangle.
There are 3 formulas because each formula
helps you find a different angle in the triangle.

How these formulas
are used to find a angle

Law of Sine and Cosine


These equations/ functions are used when
trying to find angles in SSS or SAS triangles.

There are four cases that can be used to solve
an oblique triangles. ASA,SAA,SSA.

Main topic

Six Trig Functions

You can use trigonometric functions to
prove trigonometric identities.

Odd identities reflect over the origins
while Even identities reflect over the

Trig Identies

Sum and Difference formulas can help you
find angles that could not on the unit circle.

You use double angle and half
angle formulas to solve trig functions

Pythagorean identifies are modeled
off of the Pythagorean theorem.
