KC: Apostles' Creed Explained

KC: Apostles' Creed Explained

1) I believe in God,

1) I believe in God,

What does it mean to say "I believe in God"?

When saying the words "I believe in God", it states that we put our complete trust in Him and He is always the highest priority in our lives, that nothing will become more important than He.

How does believing in God influence the way you see the world around you?

Believing in God influences the way you see the world around you as it assures you that everything you are currently experiencing is happening for a reason. Through the hardships and prosperity in our lives, God will be there with us through it all.

2) The Father almighty.

2) The Father almighty.

What does it mean to call God "The Father Almighty?

When we call God "The Father Almighty", it states that we believe He is the perfect parent, and his love for us is never ending. Although He knows what's best for us, he gave us free will to let us develop in our own different way.

3) Creator of Heaven and Earth.

3) Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Describe how God is Creator.

God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth everything that exists today, continues to exist because of Him. Everything that humans have created were from the materials of the Earth, in which God had created.

Why does Catholic teaching stress the dignity of the human person and the value of creation?

Catholic teaching stresses the dignity of the human person and the value of creation because we too, are special creations of God. He created us in his image, and we are called to care for all of his creations.

4) I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

4) I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

What's so special about Jesus?

Jesus is so special because He was sent by God to save us from our sin. He makes it possible for us to rekindle relationships with each other and God even when we have sinned.

If we believe that Jesus is Lord, what difference does it make in the way we relate to ourselves, to others, and to God?

If we believe that Jesus is the Lord, we can ensure that He is the prime ruler of our lives. We are to follow in His footsteps and live by His principles. We are to love everyone, give generously and cherish the ones we love; especially God.

5) He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

5) He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

What does "Incarnation" mean?

Incarnation in the Bible states that Jesus is fully God, while being fully human at the same time. Its literal meaning is to take on flesh, and God took on flesh by becoming human; Jesus.

How can Mary help us to relate to God?

Mary took on a great task that God had asked her, and we should realize that God always needs us as well. In becoming Jesus' human mother, she allowed God to speak and teach us through Jesus.

6) He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

6) He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

Why did Jesus suffer?

Other than the fact that Jesus' death was to save us from our sin, He accepted his sufferings because they are part of being Human. When He descended to the dead, He spread the same message He had always shared with the living.

How is Jesus' suffering and death meaningful for us as Christians?

Jesus' suffering and death is most meaningful for us as Christians as it is the ultimate gift of love that He wanted to share with us; both the living and the dead.

7) On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

7) On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

What is resurrection?

Resurrection is the concept of coming back to the living from the dead. In the Bible, Jesus' ascends into Heaven on the third day after His death.

8) He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

8) He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

How does Jesus judge?

Rather than the harsh judgement we are used to in society today, Jesus judges us solely on the testimony of our faith towards God. He also judges our behaviour towards others and the people around us.

If this is how Jesus judges, how are we to judge others?

If this is how Jesus judges, we too are to judge others in a similar manner. I believe that we should always judge others based on their true goodness and selfishness, but also consider their past and present experiences.

15) Amen.

15) Amen.

What does "Amen" mean?

"Amen" comes from the hebrew word "believe". So when we say Amen, we are saying that we believe, we accept and we trust.

What does it mean when we say"Amen" to the Creed?

When we say "Amen" to the Creed, it is our promise to God that we live in a way that will act on our Christian beliefs, as stated in the prayer.

14) And life everlasting.

14) And life everlasting.

What is life everlasting?

Life everlasting is our life that continues even after death. When we state that we believe in life everlasting, we are making a commitment to protect, care for and preserve all moments of life.

Relate this statement of faith to a life-and-death issue, such as pollution or abortion.

In regards to pollution, we are called to care for our Earth, and pollution is a big threat to humans' and animals survival.

13) The resurrection of the body,

13) The resurrection of the body,

How do we know that God cares about our bodies as well as our souls?

God cares about our bodies as well as our souls because He wants us to thrive healthy and well-nourished. He also calls us to communicate with our bodies responsibly, which includes sexual love with your partner and valuing our sexuality.

When we say that we believe in the resurrection of the body, what are we saying about our own bodies and the way we treat them?

When we say that we believe in the resurrection of the body, it states that we believe that both our body and soul belongs to God. Because our bodies belong to Him, it deserves to be treated with respect.

12) The forgiveness of sins,

12) The forgiveness of sins,

What does it take for a person to sin?

When a person commits the action of sin, they take advantage of their freedom and turn away God's call while rejecting what Jesus asks us to do.

What does it take for a person to be forgiven?

For a person to be forgiven from their sin, God must recognize that they are truly sorry, and the Church should also forgive us to earn God's forgiveness.

11) The communion of saints,

11) The communion of saints,

What does it take to be a saint?

To become a saint, one must show an exceptional extent of their Christian values in their life. A saint would have a reputation of being holy or be recognized of a miracle they have performed.

How are we in communion with the saints?

We are in communion with the saints as we believe in them, and that no distance can destroy the unity of the Christian community, not even death.

10) The Holy Catholic Church,

10) The Holy Catholic Church,

Who is the Church?

When referring to the Church, the Holy Catholic Church, we include all the people gathered on Earth to form the body of Christ.

How can people be holy?

The term 'holy' means that it has been given special purpose. God gave us purpose to spread love and forgiveness. So by helping others accept and share both love and forgiveness, we can be holy people.

9) I believe in the Holy Spirit,

9) I believe in the Holy Spirit,

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity. The spirit has been with the Father and Son since the beginning of time.

Describe the action of the Holy Spirit within the life of the Christian community.

Within the life of the Christian community, the Holy Spirit has helped us to love others around us just as God loves us. The Holy Spirit will always support and give us strength in every aspect of life.