Information Sources

Is the information reliable?

Can you trust this information? is it the opinion of someone else or factual?

Who is the author?

Do you know the author? can you find any other information of him/her online?

Is the publication from a reliable source?

Can you trust the website?

Has the author any publications previous?

How much experience has the author have? has he/she been around for a long time?

Does the publication cite any of its own in text information?

Where has the author gathered his/her information from? is it cited? again is it reliable?

When was the publication published?

Not only can you tell when the publication was published but can you tell when it was written?

Does the author have an academic background related to the topic?

Does the author have an academic background and if so is it related to the topic you are writing on?

Has the publication been cited before?

Has anyone else used this information? and how many times?