How can I best teach kids with Learning Di...- Mind Map

How can I best teach kids with Learning Disabilities?

Signs of a Learning Disability
-Trouble recognizing and producing speech sounds (poor phonological awareness)
-A lack of speech fluency, meaning that words do not come effortlessly
-Poor communication skills
-Difficulty understanding others

Accommodations & Modifications
-extra time
-flexible & preferential seating
-assistive technology
-phonological awareness education
-extra practice
-use of visuals, auditory, active, musical, natural learning environments
-focus on social skills

Types of Learning Disabilities
Dyslexia: Reading disorder
Dyscalculia: Math disorder
Dysgraphia: Writing disorder
Dyspraxia: Problems with motor skills
Dysphasia/Aphasia: Problems with language
Auditory processing disorder
Visual processing disorder

How do I best support students with Learning Disabilities in an inquiry-based learning environment?
*This is became the main question of my Inquiry


Discoveries included
-learning needs to be structured & chunked
-conference regularly with students to ensure understanding --instruction needs to be explicit
-structure needs to be clear
-allow choice within parameters
-assist students in coming up with an inquiry question if they have difficulty doing so independently
