Historians have traditionally labeled the" period after the war of 1812 the Era of Good feelings."Evaluate the accuracy of this label,considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.


Steel plow and mechanical reaper,Irish immigrants,King Cotton,"peculiar institution"

Expansion Slavery- grew a lot by 1860

The Hartford Convention-New England states even spoke about secession.

President Madison sent military

The panic of 1819-Due to Second Bank of the United States .They printed far to much money and inflation.

Era of Good feelings




Rush-Bagot Agreement -No military ships

Adams-Onis-1818 with Spain-Spain-Turns over western Florida along with all to the east.They gave us $5 million for us to buy Florida

Treaty of 1818-Border to the North-

It kept Europe form claiming counties in south American


(Tie) war of 1812

Federalist lost 6 straight elections

The American System-1.Chartering of the Second Bank the United States. Internal Improvements

Cumberland Road
The Erie Canal

The Era of Good Feelings in the United States occurred from 1814-1824. It is not an accurate name. Nationalism is about treaties and how they get along with other countries. However, Sectionalism is about slavery, immigrants and women working for less money. Half of the states agreed on slavery and the other half does not. Only half of the states were happy, which started the civil war.