Defeating ISIS means western boots on the ground.

This is a debate. Half the speakers are for the motion to position western boots on the ground and the rest are against the motion. Each side will present their own views and Ideas.

Against the motion to put western boots on the ground.

The main speaker against the motion was Rula Jebreal. She is a Foreign policy analyst for MSNBC, journalist, and author

Jebreal had also a fairly convincing performance. There was a point in the debate when it seemed that she might win. It was a fairly close matchup.

Rula Jebreal said that using military to stop ISIS at this time is not the way. She stated that our close family and loved ones will die fighting for a losing cause.

She also brought to attention that if the west fights, they might not get the same outcome from fighting that they had hoped for and that this could lead to more dangerous situations.

The second speaker against that motion of putting boots on the ground was Ken Livingstone.

Mr. Livingstone is the former Mayor of London and close ally of Jeremy Corbyn. He is currently co-convenor of Labour’s foreign policy review.

Mr. Livingstone probably took the softest approach when presenting his various points.

My opinion of Ken Livingstone's performance is that he performed by the book and he remained gentlemanly no matter how difficult the situation got.

In favor of the motion to put western boots on the ground.

The proposal made was by General John Allen. Allen is President Obama’s former special envoy for the global coalition to fight Isis

Mr. Allen had a powerful performance. He was very influential to the crowd present at the debate.

His thought was to fund and support the middle eastern regiments that are already fighting ISIS. Not necessarily bringing fresh western forces to directly fight ISIS. He said that America can not go through another long Middle Eastern war.

Allen stated that we can not defeat ISIS simply by attacking from the air. He stressed the point that the west must defend themselves.

The second speaker speaking in favor of the motion to bring western boots on the ground was Douglas Murray.

Douglas Murray is the Associate Director at The Henry Jackson Society, bestselling author and award-winning political commentator.

He possessed strong and valid arguments and helped win the debate.

To help prove his points, Douglas would take an extract from history. My opinion on his performance was that he was very clear and influential.

The results of the final voting was 40% against and 52% for. The motion was declared carried. This means that defeating ISIS truly means western boots on the ground.

It is important to bring to attention that 8% of the voters could not make up their minds. However even if that 8% would have all voted against the motion, it would still only have made it 48% to 52%. The motion in favor clearly passed.

In today's intercultural communications class, we listened to a podcast of a debate that addressed today's crisis in foreign policy. This debate took place in London Great Britain in the Emanuel Center.

The honorable chair for this debate was. Nik Gowing. He is a BBC world news presenter. He did a fine job and kept the debate flowing smoothly no matter how heated the situation got.