类别 全部 - assessment - education - disability - behavior

作者:Kamal Houssian 4 年以前


Struggling Student Process

The process for assisting struggling students involves a detailed assessment and collaboration among school staff, psychologists, and parents. Initially, a student’s behavior and academic performance are documented to understand the challenges they face.

Struggling Student Process

Kamal Houssian Dec. 16th, 2016


Ohio Department of Education. (Sept 14, 2016) "Special Education - The Basics of an Evaluation Team Report." Viewed on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg2tMlSD7xE&feature=emb_title

Reading Rockets. "Individualized Education Plan." Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=R-z7hY8ZBCg&feature=emb_title

Texas Council for Development Disabilities. (2013) "The Special Education Referrel Process." Viewed from: http://www.projectidealonline.org/v/special-education-referral-process/

Kupper, Lisa and Jean Kohanek. (July 2000) "10 Steps in the Educational Process." Viewed in: https://www.readingrockets.org/article/10-steps-special-education-process

Meeting Created on Assessment

Participating Entities for Meeting

School Psychologist
Child's Teacher
Child's Parents
School Principal

IEP Created

IEP Implemented Child Given Placement Options

Depending on Disability, Group determines how much time student spends in both types of education settings.

Child Placed in Special Needs Class

Child Stays in Normal class. Teacher works with students within the classroom.

Student Writes Assessment

Alert School, and Psychologists to Give and Assessment with Parental Permission

Proceed as Normal

Setup Meeting With Parents

Create Plans and Set Goals for Improvement

Give Student Extra Attention to See if they adjusts positively.
Track met and failed goals to communicate with Parent

Struggling Student Process

Main topic

Document Student Behaviour

Take account of Behaviour with Others
Audio notes
Take Account of Social Skills with Others
I can be your partner as you work on your computer
Take Account of Marks