作者:Gary Schultz 10 年以前
spaces of appearance
The text delves into the intersection of commerce and art, examining how artists navigate economic structures and the concept of making a living through creative endeavors. It highlights the works and contributions of various artists, including Luis Jacob'
readings Quentin Meillassoux Iteration and repetition:
Ontology of the meaningless sign Jacques Rancière mallarmé chapters 1 - 2 chapter 3
chapter 4
David Graeber A Brief Treatise on the Moral Grounds of Economic Relations Alain Badiou This Crisis Is the Spectacle: Where Is the Real? May '68 Revisited, 40 Years On Talk about ''Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art'' The actual 15 theses (English and French) Only One World “We Need a Popular Discipline”- Contemporary Politics and the Crisis of the Negative Jean Baudrillard the intelligence of evil or the lucidity pact Boris Groys going public John Berger why look at animals Dan Graham: Conversation Series (with Hans Ulrich Obrist) Pavilion in Berlin Michael Pisaro "Eleven Theses on the State of New Music" Interview with MP Maggie Nelson The Art of Cruelty: chapters 1 & 2 Jonas Staal: Art in Defense of Democracy Haben und Brauchen David Foster Wallace Democracy and Commerce at the U.S. Open Cinema in the Hands of the People: Chris Marker, the Medvedkin Group, and the Potential of Militant Film (Trevor Stark) L'Aveu