类别 全部 - algorithms - assignments - subtraction - multiplication

作者:Samantha Auza 1 年以前


Numbers, Operations and Proportional Reasoning for K-8 Teaching Weeks 1-6

The focus of Week 3 was on expanding subtraction skills using alternate algorithms such as decomposing and equal addends, while also introducing foundational concepts in multiplication through methods like the array or groups area model.

Numbers, Operations and Proportional Reasoning for  K-8 Teaching    Weeks 1-6

Numbers, Operations and Proportional Reasoning for K-8 Teaching

Week 5

Week 5 Notes
In Week 5 we discussed adding the Inverse for Hector's Method To use Hector's Method in Subtraction we must then use the KEEP CHANGE CHANGE rule We also worked on fraction algorithms , multiplying fractions Also worked on less than or greater than for fractions n Using Anchor fractions
Week 5 Assignments *W5D1 HW: Solve Subtraction/Show Mult Integers *W5D2 HW: Show and solve subtractions *W5D3 HW: Solving Fractions and Comparing Fractions

Week 4

Notes from Week 4
In Week 4 we went over division algorithms Discussed the best way for students to think of a division problem Learned alternatives for Long division: Repeated Subtraction , Upwards Division , & Prime Factorization We also learned the Divisibilty Rules and how to use the color counter manipulatives for negative & positive numbers
Assignments for Week 4 *W4 D2 HW: Alternative Alg Division *W4D3 HW: Build/Show Intro and Add Integers *W4D4 HW: Solve Adding Integers
division algoithim

Week 3

Subtraction Expanded Form
In Week 3 we began to take what we learned in the addition Algorithms and apply that to subtraction Alternate Algorithms used for subtraction : Decomposing ( Expanded Form) Left to Right Equal Addends Introduction to Multiplication Alt. Algorithms : Array or Groups Area Model Expanded Form Left to right Lattice We also discussed when to SHOW , BUILD , or SOLVE our answers. Build = Concrete , using blocks SHOW= Pictorial , Draw SOLVE= Abstract , area model
Assignments for Week 3 *W3 D1 HW: Showing Subtraction and Intro Multiplication *W3D32Agenda: Multiplication *W3D3 HW: Solve Multiplication with Alt Algorithms

Week 2

Regrouping Algorithim
Base 10 System
For Week 2 we discussed preporations for the Mind Map assignment at length. Given an exapmle and suggestions for Mind Mapping software. As a class we discussed what our undersstanding of the terms : Cardinality One -to One Correspondence Subitizing Mr. Milt shared his preferred system for using 5 frames to better help a student understand getting from 5 to 10. We began being introduced to Alternate Alorithims for Addition and how to use our Base 10 blocks Alternate Algorithims Learned : Expanded form , Left -To Right , Friendly Numbers / Trading Off , Scratch Method , and Lattice for Addition Also Discussed if each algorithim met the 3 requirments : 1. Is it based in math principals ? 2. Is it efficient? 3. Is it repeatable?
Assignments for Week 2 *W2 D1 HW: Build and Show Adding Bases *W2 D2 HW: Alt Algorithms Add *W2D3 HW: Add using Alt. Algorithm *W2 D4 HW: Build-Show Subtraction

Week 6

This week we started with the 2nd exam Followed by a video on Order Of Operations We learned how to Build & Show adding / subtracting / and multiplying fractions. We discussed how to work with and use different manipulatives for showing add/ sub/ multiply fractions A second video was for showing adding fractions as well
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Week 1

Juggling How To
We started week 1 with Mr. Milt telling us about himslef and career path that led him to ASU. Week one also involved a survey telling a little about ourselves , and what we hoped to get out of the class . We were provided links for manipulatives needed to show our work as well. During Week 1 , Mr. Milt juggled an entire class. Later we discussed why we couldn't just instantly juggle because he showed us once. Relating this to understanding how we as teachers can not expect a student to instantly pick up a skill just beacuse we have showed them once or twice. We discussed as a class the preferred way to hand in homework and to use the answer keys provided to do " Self Evaluations"
Assigments for Week 1 * Replying in Comments * Pigs & Chickens Excercise * Juggling Video Submitted