类别 全部 - waste - intestine - digestion - stomach

作者:Patel Anokhi 4 年以前



The process of digestion begins in the mouth, where food is mechanically broken down by teeth and tongue, and chemically by saliva. The food then travels through the pharynx to the esophagus, where it is pushed down to the stomach via peristalsis.




The food goes down the esophagus, a canal that leads to the stomach. The esophagus is lined with mucus. It also does peristalsis which is the contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the esophagus to push the food down.


Small Intestine
While going through the small intestine which is small in diameter, food is mixed with enzymes from the liver and pancreas that chemically break down the food. It is also mechanically digested by the small intestine contracting. The food is broken down the most they can be here and are called monomers. Monomers are the good part in your food that provide energy. The monomers leave the small intestine by being absorbed into the blood and enter the cells, this process is called the cellular respiration.
Large Intestine/colon

All the waste that is left over goes to the large intestine which is large in diameter. Water and vitamins left in the waste is absorbed into the blood. This causes the waste to be solid.


The waste is then stored in the rectum.


The waste leaves the body through the anus.

When food enters the stomach it is mechanically digested by the muscle tissue contracting. It is also chemically digested using enzymes that it releases and hydrochloric acid, a strong corrosive acid that breaks down the food. The acid also kills any bacteria that we may ingest. The stomach is lined with mucus to prevent this acid from damaging it.


Large pieces of food or macromolecules are ingested and are mechanically digested using teeth and your tongue. and chemically digested with saliva produced in salivary glands. The food then leaves the mouth through the oral cavity.


The food goes through the pharynx, a cavity leading to the esophagus.