类别 全部 - indulgence - innovation - autonomy - individualism

作者:Fatima Rajput 3 年以前


Hofstede's Dimensions (Canada)

Canadian culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on individualism, where personal autonomy and expression are highly valued. This cultural trait is evident in various aspects of society, including educational institutions and workplaces, where the focus on the individual is pronounced.

Hofstede's Dimensions (Canada)

Hofstede's Dimensions (Canada)

Uncertainty Avoidance (48)

Canadian's culture does not revolve around rules and the culture is not considered emotionally expressive.
Canada is considered "uncertainty accepting" shown by its easy acceptance to innovative ideas and products.

Indulgence (68)

Canadians relish in their indulgence, placing more thought on leisure time and acts on their desires as they please.
As Canada's culture scored a high score on the indulgence chart, Canadians tend to take on a more optimistic and positive attitude/outlook.

Long-term Orientation (36)

This is also consistent with what you see in day to day Canadian society: people will generally consider immediate circumstances before long term goals. However, it is lest consistent when it comes to things like social norms: it differs between communities.
Canadians also tend to prioritize short-term gratification and the present over the future.
Canadians are less willing to compromise their own comfort and values for long-term goals and success. This also means an attachment to current norms.

Individualism (80)

This is very consistent with what you see in Canadian society: especially in schools and workplaces. The individual is treated as a very important entity and autonomy is crucial
Contrasting to how "collectivist" Canadian society is: they aren't at all. Generally the "individual" is prioritized over the community.
Canadian culture places a strong emphasis on the value of the "individual"; personal autonomy and expression are generally very important in this country