类别 全部 - assessment - economics - comparison - analysis

作者:Angelica Reyes 5 年以前


Economic Systems

Students engage in a comprehensive exploration of economic systems through a multifaceted approach that includes lectures, discussions, and various analysis strategies. They'll identify essential economic questions and distinguish the characteristics of four economic systems.

Economic Systems

Economic Systems

Economic Systems According to Philosophers

Students will compare and contrast these two philosophers’ economic perspectives by completing an eight section foldable using the jigsaw strategy.
Students will read, annotate, and interpret passages by Adam Smith and Karl Marx based on a series of questions provided by the teacher.
National Archives Document Analysis Graphic Organizer
Using the National Archives Poster Analysis Graphic Organizer, students will practice their analysis skills using anti-Communist/Capitalism posters.
National Archives Poster Analysis Graphic Organizer

USA's Economic System

Students will create a shutter foldable to explain the characteristics of USA’s economic system using the information gathered from the article, “Is a Free Market “Free” If It’s Regulated?
Students will compare the pros and cons of a market economy after reading and annotating the article, “Is a Free Market “Free” If It’s Regulated?”

Write the questions in the margin next to the section where the answer is found.

Write short summaries in the margin at the end of sub-units.

Signal where important information can be found, with key words or symbols in the margin

Write key words and definitions in the margin

Circle definitions and meanings

Underline important terms

3 Economic Questions Answered by Economic Systems

After completing their guided notes, students will differentiate the various characteristics of the four economic systems.
Assessment: Matching Statements to Economic Systems – Tier Two Costa Question

Guided Notes for Students



Venn Diagrams


Discussion Questions


Teacher-Led Lecture

After listening to, and discussing the lecture, students will identify key economic questions.
Assessment: Identification Question – Tier One Costa Question