类别 全部 - responsibilities - university - salary - experience

作者:Raheja Rahul 5 年以前



A film director plays a pivotal role in the creative aspect of movie production, guiding the artistic vision and ensuring the story is effectively communicated. They collaborate closely with actors, editors, cinematographers, and screenwriters to bring a cohesive and compelling narrative to life.


Film Director

Employers & Working Conditions

Could be self employed May be employed by professional movie studio

Trends & Future Outlook

Trends have an important role in the career. The trends of popular movies will change, changing the demand. Right now, Hollywood has a comic book movie trend My blueprint recommends university for this career.

Action Plan

Take Digital Art in grade 11 Take Film in grade 11 Image arts Film program in university Practice at home Educate myself via youtube videos


Money for buying equipment. Equipment cost a lot so I’ll have to work in order to buy some Grade average. I’ll have to improve my grades A lot of competition. I’ll have to stand out.


My highest marks were in Digital Arts I enjoy doing it Possess video editing and framing skills Enjoy writing stories

Career Profile

Directors are responsible for the creative decisions of a production. They are involved with everyone's job and help the cast and crew bring their vision to life. They guide the artistic direction of the project. They work with actors to help portray their characters. They work with editors/cinematographer to make sure everything looks fine and they work with screenwriters to make sure the story is going in the right direction.


This year, last semester I had both Digital Arts and Communication Technology which gave me tons of experience as well as knowledge Worked on several film related projects Help friends with film related stuff

Financial Reward

Mean Salary.The average film director earns an average of $92,220 per year, $44.34 per hour. The bottom 10 percent earned an average of $32,010 annually. The top 10 percent earned in excess of $187,199 per year.



School 2: Wilfrid Laurier Ontario Secondary School Diploma Five additional Grade 12 university-level or university/college-level courses Grade 12 English Four Years BA
School 1: Ryerson University: Image arts - Film Studies Ontario Secondary School Diploma Five additional Grade 12 university-level or university/college-level courses Grade 12 English Four Years BA