作者:Ikhwan Rosman 3 年以前
1.2 - Risk Startification
Evaluating the risk factors associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) involves considering several elements such as family history, obesity (indicated by a BMI over 30), a sedentary lifestyle, smoking habits, hypertension controlled by medication, and impaired fasting glucose levels confirmed on separate occasions.
1.2 - Risk Startification Risk Factor of CAD SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE - not participating in exercise lifestyle IMPAIRED FASTING GLUCOSE Confirmed by measurements at least two separate ocassion HYPERTESNSION On antihypertensive medication DYSLIPIDEMIA LDL or HDL FAMILY HISTORY OBESITY BMI >30.0 SMOKING Current ciggarate smoker or past 6 months Major Sign & Sympthom of CAD Syncope reduced perfusion of brain Unusual Fatigue may signal the onset of, or change in the status of cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease Known Heart Murmur may indicate valvular or other cardiovascular disease. Tachycardia may be induced by various disorders of cardiac rhythm Intermittent Claudication pain that occurs in a muscle with an inadequate blood Ankle Edema sign of heart failure or bilateral chronic venous insufficiency Orthopnea nocturnal dyspnea relieved promptly by sitting upright or standing Shortness of breath At rest or mild extension Pain & Discomfort Chect, neck, jaw, arm Purpose Presence or Absence Metabolic Disease Pulmonary Cardiovascular