Solar System - Mind Map

Solar System


Is the closest planet to the Sun


Venus is even hotter than mercury
despite being further from the sun


Is the 3rd planet closest to the Sun and is
4.543 billion years old

Earth´s structure

Earth has an atmosphere which allows
life to exist

It is the only planet with one and
is mainly made of nitrogen and oxygen

This atmosphere has been evolved for
million of years, at the beggining there
was barely any of those gases.

3/4 of Earth´s surface is covered by water

Only 2,5% of Earth´s water is not salty

Earth´s core can reach temperatures as
6700 ºC

Earth´s satelite

Earth do have one satelite, the Moon

The Moon control the ocean tides


Is the planet which has been explored the most apart from the Earth


It is the biggest one and the one with the
most satelites


It is the planet with the most rings


It is made out of gases


Has at least 5 rings

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