Mridul Sharma
The color ORANGE represents me the best
I am Bodily/Kinaesthetic
Practically and Feelings
My Emotional Intelligence (EI) is 120 which is above average
My Ei reflects that I have a lot of Empathy
for people which I do, whether at school or at home.
I can understand my weaknesses and modify my schedule
so I can make better life/practical decisions.
If I have trouble waking up, I can just go to sleep earlier.
If I don't get enough time to spend with my family or the time's too late, then i can start my homework earlier and try not to get distracted as much.
I mainly use my RIGHT brain
I still like Math, logic and facts.
I like:
Humour is a important part in my life, I take great pride in saying, "I make everyone smile". You can buy anything but time and happiness. I try and find the positive in negative, and keep my self away from all sadness and negativity.
I chose to create a clown using only words in one of my classes, I used my left brain for the technology and logical part and my right side to make it as creative as possible.
I learn best when I am on feet and moving round
instead of listening to a hour long lecture or have no activities involved.
I prefer Drama and Gym over
Science and English anyday.
My hobbies are to listen to music, dance, sing, and
do as many hands-on activities as possible such as
basketball, cooking, and playing with my dog.
I love to volunteer and do different activities with different people, it's my happy place. For ex. When I went to India for Vacation I volunteered at a hospital everyday for two months.
I always prefer talking to someone in real life
than have to text them or call, it just feels easier, and
when you can see the person an understand them better.
Main topic
I use my feelings to learn and understand concepts in different point of views.
I learn the best when I can share my thoughts on a topic and hear what others have to say, too.
I learn practically like straightforwardness, facts, and details.
I prefer to be given a task with details and steps, rather than to take a risk or second guess what I have to do.
I love to problem solve in Math
When I went to India I actually went to Math Tuitions every weekday for two months, I learnt a lot and taught my peers different ways to solve a problem.
As much as I like to hear how well I did,
I don't likee hearing negative feedback
YES I don't like hearing negative feedback,
BUT I can still face setbacks and improve the
decisions I will make in the future